Coffee review

Korean coffee set off a new trend of "one cup, two drinks".

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Where there are Korean dramas, there is coffee, and coffee is very popular in South Korea. Recently, there has been a new trend of coffee in South Korea, that is, two drinks in one cup, and one cup of coffee can enjoy both flavors at the same time. Let's take a look at what this is all about. Recently, a cafe in South Korea has launched a coffee sharing cup, which has attracted a lot of fans as soon as it is launched. Go to the cafe to buy coffee, often

Where there are Korean dramas, there is coffee, and coffee is very popular in South Korea. Recently, there has been a new trend of coffee in South Korea, that is, two drinks in one cup, and one cup of coffee can enjoy both flavors at the same time. Let's take a look at what this is all about.

Recently, a cafe in South Korea has launched a kind of coffee "shared cup", which has attracted a lot of fans as soon as it is launched. When you go to a cafe to buy coffee, it is often difficult to choose. Buy a cup, the taste is a little monotonous; want to try a few more flavors, but also afraid of excessive caffeine, the stomach can not bear. What shall I do?

Seeing this business opportunity, a coffee shop in South Korea launched a coffee "double cup". From the side, the round cup is divided into two semicircular containers, which can hold two different drinks at the same time. The two flavors are satisfied at one time, and once they are launched, they are very popular with consumers and expose the rhythm of moments.

At present, this dual coffee outfit is a combination of "American + latte", which is filled with American coffee and latte at the same time, so that people who like both flavors can buy them all at once. Such a combination is the result of comprehensive consideration by the store, including beverage sales, beverage production, cup loading and other factors.

For friends who like to drink coffee drinks, coffee "double cup" is a very good choice, one cup of coffee, two flavors, but also save the trouble of choice.

After the Korean cafe launched a cup of two-drink coffee, it got a good market response and effectively increased the sales of the store that month. Domestic cafes can learn from this method, and it may have an unexpected effect.