Coffee review

The coffee drama "Big leftovers" and "small Hotels and Hotels" produced by passersby landed on the three major landmarks of Beijing.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, As the first person of domestic coffee drama, Ma Yan modestly said that he is not the first person. Coffee drama has actually existed in Europe for decades, and it is still a popular form of drama presentation. It was tried in China in the 1980s. Ma Yan told reporters that in fact, the most difficult thing about making a coffee drama is that the actors are in the role from beginning to end, and they are far away from the audience.

As the first person in domestic coffee drama, Ma Yan said modestly, "I am not the first person. Coffee drama has actually existed in Europe for decades, and it is still a popular form of drama presentation. China tried it in the 1980s. "

Ma Yan told reporters that in fact, the most difficult thing about making a coffee drama is that the actors are in the role from beginning to end, and they are very close to the audience, so they have very high requirements for stories and actors. "the Great leftover Man" was originally the first coffee drama created by Ma Yan when he returned home. He also starred in it two years ago. It was well received by the audience and was performed again and again.

In this performance, Ma Yan revised the script to highlight the contradictions between lovers, and the performance of laughing and scolding, and enhanced the comedy color and viewability. and re-selected two young actors who have both served as live hosts and have rich experience in stage drama to reshape the image of lovers in the works, readjust the scheduling of actors, and enrich the character of the characters. In this regard, Ma Yan explained, "because the layout of the cafe is different, so every performance will be adjusted, just to achieve the best results of the performance, of course, the requirements for the individual ability of the actors are also very high."

To some extent, the existence of coffee drama is the reserve of the source of art and the only way for the development of art. In the future, coffee dramas will certainly attract a lot of attention because of their unique way of existence, and they will bloom because they are close to the source of the story of life.

If you miss the first few wonderful performances, don't be sorry. "Juyin Theater" will continue this weekend, and the theatrical version of "Little Hotel and Grand Hotel" will continue to perform the deep feelings between father and son.

This Christmas, the coffee drama "Big leftovers" and "small Hotels and Hotels" produced by passers-by landed in the three major landmark coffee shops in Beijing. When it comes to coffee, you may think of lattes and cappuccinos; when it comes to cafes, you may think of sitting by the floor-to-ceiling window with a cup of coffee, paired with a delicious cake, reading a favorite book, and enjoying a leisurely afternoon. How would you feel if you put on a play with interesting style and wonderful content right next to you? This round of coffee drama "Big leftovers" and "small Hotels and Hotels" will open up a new experience of coffee drama culture.