Coffee review

Spinn Coffee turns coffee machine products into a "coffee cultural exchange medium"

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, With big data connection and sharing service, it's more than sleeping in and drinking coffee. Inspiration for traditional domestic coffee manufacturers is big data's power just to connect and share? No. Coffee ecology is a complete ecological chain, which not only includes end users, but also can be traced back to upstream coffee operators and manufacturers: coffee bean suppliers, coffee machines and surrounding areas.

With big data connection and sharing service, it's more than sleeping in and drinking coffee.

Enlightenment to domestic traditional coffee manufacturers

So big data's power is just to connect and share? No.

Coffee ecology is a complete ecological chain, which not only includes end users, but also can be traced back to upstream coffee operators and manufacturers: coffee bean suppliers, coffee machines and surrounding utensils, manufacturers and so on. So with real and reliable user data, how should upstream operating and manufacturing enterprises grab value from it?

In this Spinn Coffee ecosystem, a large number of user data are generated every day, and the coffee ecological data will change accordingly with different seasons and times. For upstream manufacturers, it is tantamount to knowing the market "intelligence" in advance. And it is based on a large number of real data, the trend is stable and reliable, on this basis to "feed" the production link, the accuracy of the enterprise is unprecedented.

1. Improved production

By analyzing the underlying data, the data related to an enterprise can be extracted. These data can directly guide the feedback on the use of all kinds of products in enterprise production, and then adjust the capacity allocation, or improve some functions according to the feedback.

two。 Mass production estimate

The approximate sales volume of quarter, month and week can also be predicted from the relevant data curve, which can also be used as an auxiliary means of capacity control and inventory management. in the curve of drastic changes, strategic suggestions can even be made for developing new plants or reducing production.

3. Design guidance

These data can not only reflect the use of a brand in terms of volume and category, but also dig deeper into the most advanced technology possessed by the world's leading coffee maker manufacturers, the most popular functions and tastes of coffee consumers in the world or in a region. This will not only provide valuable clues and directions for the product upgrading and new product design of manufacturing enterprises, but also provide new ideas for narrowing the gap between China and the top international manufacturers in the field of coffee manufacturing.