Coffee review

Great potential for the development of coffee market-the development of coffee market in China

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, As a leader in the coffee market, Nestle Coffee has been developing in China's coffee market since the 1980s. But at the beginning of this year, Nestle Coffee in Dongguan destroyed a batch of hundreds of tons of instant coffee, which Nestl é explained that the destruction was only to destroy stocks. At present, the Guangdong market is still in the stage of recovery, but Nestle's approach first ensures

As a leader in the coffee market, Nestle Coffee has been developing in China's coffee market since the 1980s. But at the beginning of this year, Nestle Coffee in Dongguan destroyed a batch of hundreds of tons of instant coffee, which Nestl é explained that the destruction was only to destroy stocks. At present, the Guangdong market is still in the recovery stage, but Nestl é first ensures the quality of products, which is worthy of being favored by consumers. This incident has little impact on the coffee market and will not have any impact on the development of the instant coffee industry as a whole. But at present, the market has reflected that the bagged instant coffee, which is located at about 2 yuan, can no longer meet the consumer demand. If the packaging of the product is not upgraded, consumers will not pay for it.

From the perspective of coffee drinking structure, globally, ground coffee accounts for more than 87% of the total coffee consumption, while instant coffee accounts for less than 13%. In China, instant coffee is the largest segment of the coffee consumption market, accounting for 84% of the market share. The market share of freshly ground coffee is only about 16%.

Generally speaking, China's coffee market has great potential for development and will make great progress in the past ten years. At the same time, coffee consumption structure will also change, now ground coffee will be favored, under this promotion, domestic cafes will usher in a good space for development. Coffee entrepreneurship will also become a more potential project.

At present, the major beverage companies have begun to enter the fierce competition, carbonated drinks, fruit juices, mineral water, soda and so on, the market has gradually entered a period of saturation. The annual growth rate of the coffee market has also reached 15%, and the development trend is also very good. Ready-to-drink coffee is about to break through 150 billion yuan in China's coffee market. Instant coffee, freshly ground coffee, instant coffee and so on are also facing small changes.

Ten years ago, Coca-Cola and Nestl é entered the ready-to-drink coffee market together. The development potential of instant coffee is very good. Including places such as South Korea and Japan, the instant coffee market has become very mature. In China, instant coffee has just begun to develop, so there is great potential for future development. The most important thing is that nowadays, the main force of consumption is some young consumers of "post-80s" and "post-90s", so there is a lot of room for the development of instant coffee.