Coffee review

The takeout platform "purchasing agent" Starbucks says it complies with Starbucks regulations.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The Starbucks purchasing agency in the takeout platform indicated that all our business activities had nothing to do with Meituan. Starbucks takeout showed that Starbucks was provided by merchants for distribution, but in fact, it was delivered by a purchasing service called love afternoon tea. Yesterday, some citizens received a text message to the effect that the platform was full of Starbucks coffee purchasing black shops, causing Starbucks to withdraw from the platform and transfer to the United states

The Starbucks purchasing agency in takeout platform states that "all business activities of our store have nothing to do with Starbucks"

Meituan takeout Starbucks shows that the delivery is provided by merchants, but in fact it is delivered by a purchasing service called love afternoon tea.

Yesterday, some citizens received a text message to the effect that the platform of was flooded with "black shops" of Starbucks coffee purchasing agents, causing Starbucks to withdraw from platform and switch to Meituan takeout. After verification, both Meituan and Starbucks Coffee denied sending the text message to customers. A reporter from the Beijing Youth Daily found that the so-called "Starbucks" on takeout platforms such as Meituan and are actually not Starbucks coffee stores, but "errand" purchasing agents. Starbucks officials deny all such "purchasing agents". The Municipal Food and Drug Administration said that the risks are great, and once there are problems such as food adulteration or exchange, or consumers are not feeling well after eating, there may be disputes over food traceability and responsibility determination.


Logistics company registered takeout platform full-time purchasing agent Starbucks

Ms. Zhang, who often orders coffee online, did not expect that the coffee she bought on the takeaway platform came from a "black shop". Yesterday afternoon, Ms. Zhang, a citizen, received three text messages with the same content: "Dear users, the platform of is full of black shops purchasing coffee from Starbucks. In order to protect the rights and interests of users, we have withdrawn from the platform of To order [Starbucks coffee], please place an order at Meituan takeout."

At first glance, the content of the message looks like it came from Starbucks. However, the text message really puzzled Ms. Zhang, who is a coffee family. "is it true?" In Ms. Zhang's opinion, if it is a purchasing agent, is the coffee really bought from Starbucks? Will there be the behavior of "switching"? Can Starbucks be responsible for the coffee delivered to its own hands?

So, how did these take-out Starbucks coffee be delivered to the door? Yesterday, a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily searched for "Starbucks" on the ordering platform, and the results showed that a series of "Starbucks coffee purchasing agents" did not have an official Starbucks store.

Subsequently, the Beiqing Daily reporter chose a purchasing agency nearest to the unit, and after clicking to enter, the announcement column can clearly see a prompt: "this store is a black hand-Starbucks purchasing agency store." All business activities of our store have nothing to do with Starbucks, store information is for reference only, for takeout service, please call 'black hand' customer service. " In the business qualification column, shows a logistics company, named "Beijing Huandong Logistics Co., Ltd.", the qualification uploaded is a "road transport business license", the scope of business is general freight.

In order to confirm the authenticity of this Starbucks coffee purchasing agent, a reporter from Beiqing Daily issued an order to buy three cups of coffee. About 40 minutes later, a man in black casual clothes delivered the coffee. After questioning, the man told Beiqing Daily that the coffee was bought from the nearby Starbucks Jingguang Center store, and their purchasing agents lined up to buy the coffee like ordinary consumers, and then sent it to the designated location by electric car. "our black-handed purchasing agents started last year, and only in, we can deliver about 20 or 30 orders a day."

Applying Starbucks qualification actually distributes to purchasing agents.

Yesterday afternoon, a reporter from the Beijing Youth Daily searched for "Starbucks" through Meituan takeout platform, and we could see that Starbucks Coffee one, two, and three stores offered takeout nearby. Unlike, after clicking to enter the nearest Starbucks second store, the distribution service column states "distribution services provided by merchants". The business qualification shows the business license of "Xiaoyun Road second Coffee Shop of Beijing Starbucks Coffee Co., Ltd." In this way, it seems that the Starbucks coffee taken out by Meituan should be delivered by Starbucks itself. However, after issuing the order, a reporter from Beiqing Daily received such a text message: "the order has been delivered by knights. Please follow the official account of Wechat (love afternoon tea) for the status of the order."

Subsequently, according to the prompt of the text message, a reporter from Beiqing Daily searched the official account of Wechat for afternoon tea and found that it was an afternoon tea purchasing service account operated by "Shanghai Moose Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd.". According to the subsequent delivery man, the tea-loving company provides purchasing services for Starbucks, Manji desserts and other brands through the Meituan platform. The general process is that after the customer places an order, the customer service sends the order to the purchasing agent through office software, who buys and distributes it nearby, and at the same time obtains a certain discount through Starbucks points or return coupons, and there is no special discount for the purchasing agent. "at the best time, we can send 20 orders a day. Everyone at Starbucks knows that we are purchasing agents. If there is something wrong with something, just come to us."

For this kind of "purchasing agent" behavior, consumer Ms. Zhang believes in an interview that it is not as guaranteed as direct acceptance of orders by merchants to take orders without authorization in terms of food safety.


Takeout platforms all claim to comply with Starbucks regulations.

Yesterday, in view of this "purchasing agent" delivery form, which is different from the direct acceptance of orders by merchants, does the takeout platform know about it and implement supervision? A reporter from Beiqing Daily asked a number of takeout platforms for verification. The person in charge of Meituan takeout responded that the Starbucks purchasing products on the Meituan takeout line met Starbucks food safety requirements and relevant regulations, and tested and cooperated with some stores under authorization.

As for the accusation that there are "black shops" for purchasing agents, responded that at present, all Starbucks purchasing agents on platform comply with the official regulations of Starbucks purchasing agents, and the products sold are purchased in compliance with Starbucks offline stores immediately after receiving the order, and there is no such thing as "black shops".

Starbucks: no formal cooperation with any third-party takeout platform

Subsequently, the Beijing Youth Daily reporter contacted Starbucks, did Starbucks agree to the takeout platform for purchasing? Is the outsourcing company, the takeout platform or Starbucks responsible for the problems?

Yesterday, Starbucks denied authorizing the errand company to provide delivery services. Starbucks officials said: "at present, Starbucks does not have a formal business cooperation with any third-party delivery service platform in China." At the same time, it also responded to the fact that some consumers received mass text messages, denying that the delivery platform had authorized the delivery platform to release relevant information.

With regard to the phenomenon of purchasing coffee on behalf of Starbucks stores, the official said that many coffee drinks are more suitable for immediate sale, such as coffee foam changes over time will affect the taste, so customers are encouraged to go to the store to buy. As for how to deal with food safety problems in the event that consumers have food safety problems with Starbucks food purchased through takeout daigou channels, Starbucks said that if there are any problems, it will immediately conduct a comprehensive investigation and take corresponding action according to the results of the investigation.

Municipal Food and Drug Administration: there may be disputes in the determination of the risk and responsibility of purchasing food on behalf of the agent.

Yesterday, the Municipal Food and Drug Administration said that there are great risks in purchasing this kind of so-called "purchasing" food. because the food distributor has not been authorized by the food operator, there are hidden dangers in the food on the way. once there are problems such as food adulteration and exchange, or consumers are not feeling well after eating, there may be disputes over food traceability and responsibility identification. Consumers find that this kind of behavior can be reflected with the online food ordering platform, or they can call the Food and Drug Administration to report complaints at 12331.

With regard to the behavior of using the "Road Transport Operation license" to engage in catering services in the online food ordering platform, the Municipal Food and Drug Administration pointed out that according to the provisions of the "measures for investigating and dealing with illegal acts of online Food Safety", food operators who enter the network shall engage in food business in accordance with the permitted scope of business projects. In other words, those who operate food online can only be operators with legal food management qualifications. Holding a license other than a food production license shall not deal in food. The measures also point out: "providers of third-party platforms for online food trading shall examine materials such as food production and operation licenses for online food producers and operators and production licenses for online food additive production enterprises, truthfully record them and update them in a timely manner."

(by our reporter Peng Xiaofei and Zhang Xiaomei Li Jia)