Coffee review

Library, bookstore, coffee shop, three in one, Dai Shengyi, open a book shop in Taichung at the end of the year

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Look at different bookstores. After retiring, Dai Shengyi, the founder of the Wangpin Group, opened a Yipin Bookstore in Taipei last year, which has the functions of a bookstore, a library and a cafe, which amazes all walks of life. At the end of the year, he will open a second library in Taichung, hoping to inspire more people to open similar bookstores. For the rest of my life, I will only engage in the promotion of reading. Yipin Bookstore invites musicians to play the violin from time to time

Look at different bookstores. After retiring, Dai Shengyi, the founder of the Wangpin Group, opened a "Yipin Bookstore" in Taipei last year, which combines the functions of a bookstore, a library and a cafe, which amazes all walks of life. At the end of the year, he will open a second study in Taichung City, hoping to inspire more people to open similar bookstores. "for the rest of my life, I will only engage in the promotion of reading."

Yipin Bookstore invites musicians to play the violin from time to time. Reporter he Dingzhao / Photography

Taipei Yipin Book House is close to the famous building "Hongxi Building" on Renai Road, and its appearance creates a bright and elegant atmosphere with large floor-to-ceiling windows, just like a high-end cafe. When you enter the store, the service desk will first explain that you can see full and unlimited drinks by charging 100 yuan for reading in the store, and then readers can visit the book areas and listen to irregular live violin performances.

The library has a collection of more than 3000 books, none of which are for sale, only for reading, and all of them are large hardcover color pages. Dai Shengyi said that there are four principles for his selection of books: first, hardcover books; second, rich designs; third, beautiful covers; and fourth, books that are not available on the Internet Google, "otherwise readers can read them at home."

Dai Shengyi, founder of Yipin Book House. Reporter he Dingzhao / Photography

He explains that choosing only hardcover books is to attract the public to read: "most people don't have the habit of reading, so they have to use bright patterns to interest them before they can read more written books such as Chuang Tzu." Based on this principle, Dai Shengyi insisted that if the paperback book, no matter how beautiful the cover, he would not choose; and in order to attract readers, all the books were displayed with gorgeous covers. "this is my Blue Ocean strategy."

Readers who come to the store can also infinitely drink three kinds of drinks in the store: coffee, four kinds of tea, wax gourd smoothies, full of drinks like a buffet bar. Pointing to the labels of black tea and green tea on all kinds of tea bags, Dai Shengyi says proudly that in order to prevent readers from thinking they are cheap tea bags, they are all marked with tea varieties. The raw material of wax gourd smoothie is Yifeng wax gourd tea, which is famous in Tainan.

The comfortable environment attracts many visitors every day, sipping drinks and flipping through books, while some students bring their own books, K-books, homework, or friends. However, if visitors want to use the computer for a long time, they may be disappointed, because all kinds of seats in the study are beautiful, but they are not equipped with sockets. Dai Shengyi said that opening a library still hopes to encourage people to read books, and that it would not be his original intention to use 3C only in the store.

The Taipei Yipin Bookstore has been a great success. Dai Shengyi has found a possible site for Taichung Yipin Bookstore near the Taichung municipal government, and Taichung Mayor Lin Jialong is also very supportive. Dai Shengyi said that although he is bound to lose money as a bookstore, he will not raise fees in his lifetime. "I have prepared enough budget to make up for the cost." At present, more than a dozen "ambitious people with successful careers" have asked Dai Shengyi how to open a similar library to give back to the countryside. Dai Shengyi is happy to see it succeed, and "everyone gives back to society together."

In MUJI BOOKS MUJI Bookstore, goods and books are mixed together. Reporter he Dingzhao / Photography

MUJI BOOKS MUJI Bookstore, goods and books juxtaposed. Reporter he Dingzhao / Photography

Yipin Book House won the "Public Space" Award of the 24th Asia-Pacific Interior Design Award. Reporter he Dingzhao / Photography

Yipin Bookstore. Reporter he Dingzhao / Photography

MUJI BOOKS MUJI Bookstore, goods and books correspond to each other. Reporter he Dingzhao / Photography

MUJI BOOKS MUJI Bookstore, goods and books of the same type side by side. Reporter he Dingzhao / Photography

Yipin Bookstore, enter 100 yuan to drink until you are full. Reporter he Dingzhao / Photography

The atmosphere of Yipin Book House is quiet. Reporter he Dingzhao / Photography

Yipin Book House is located on the first floor of the high-end building. Reporter he Dingzhao / Photography

The space of Yipin Book House is spacious. Reporter he Dingzhao / Photography

Yipin Bookstore has an elegant environment. Reporter he Dingzhao / Photography