Coffee review

Why does Chongqing, which does not produce coffee, make the international coffee business so hot?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Chongqing, which does not produce a single coffee bean, is building a coffee industry service platform with global influence. Why? First look at the figures: Chongqing Coffee Trading Center officially opened on June 5 last year, and by the end of the first quarter of this year, the transaction volume has reached 5.268 billion yuan. Behind this figure is the global consumption of 1.6 billion coffee consumers, with consumption of nearly 9 million tons. Feng Yue, chairman of Chongqing Energy Group, 201

Chongqing, which does not produce a single coffee bean, is building a coffee industry service platform with global influence. Why?

First look at the figures: Chongqing Coffee Trading Center officially opened on June 5 last year, and by the end of the first quarter of this year, the transaction volume has reached 5.268 billion yuan. Behind this figure is the global consumption of 1.6 billion coffee consumers, with consumption of nearly 9 million tons.

Feng Yue, chairman of Chongqing Energy Group, said that in 2012, Chongqing Energy Group focused on the broad market space of the coffee industry and began to carry out trade cooperation with Hougu Coffee. Over the past few years, Chongqing Energy Group has tasted a lot of sweetness in the coffee trade, as well as the east wind of the construction of "Belt and Road Initiative", the opportunity for the construction of Chongqing free trade zone, and the unique transportation advantages of the "Chongqing New Europe" railway channel and the golden waterway of the Yangtze River. Chongqing Coffee Trading Center came into being.

This move has been widely recognized by the coffee industry at home and abroad. at present, Chongqing Coffee Trading Center has registered more than 180 industry member enterprises, covering the whole industrial chain of coffee cultivation, storage, trade and deep processing, and more than 200 enterprises at home and abroad have participated during the construction period.

Starting from Chongqing, the aroma of a wisp of coffee is obsessed with "Belt and Road Initiative".

Peng de, general manager of Chongqing Coffee Trading Center, told China net (discussion Library) that a domestic largest freeze-dried coffee production project with a total investment of 1 billion yuan has been settled in Chongqing Liangjiang New area bonded Port area, with an annual production capacity of 10, 000 tons. 30, 000 tons of raw materials are needed each year, which is good for agriculture and farmers in coffee producing areas in Yunnan and Southeast Asia. The increase of income has a good driving effect.

Chongqing Coffee Exchange Center

Chongqing Coffee Exchange Center

Chongqing Coffee Exchange Center