Coffee review

Senna left Bank Coffee "Cloud data Management system" was launched, once again realizing the sudden innovation of the coffee industry.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Spring is the beginning of the year, spring returns to the earth, and everything recovers, representing expectation and hope. The same is true for Senna's left Bank Coffee. In the spring of 2017, the different spring of Sena left Bank Coffee, from the growth rate of store opening to the size of the store, has achieved a substantial increase compared with last year. On the one hand, rejoice in the vigorous development of the domestic coffee industry, on the other hand

Spring is the beginning of the year, the earth rejuvenates, everything revives, represents expectation and hope. The same is true for left-bank coffee. In the spring of 2017, Seine Left Bank Coffee's different spring, from the growth rate of stores to the size of stores, achieved a substantial increase compared with last year. On the one hand, we are delighted with the vigorous development of the domestic coffee industry, on the other hand, we also have the confidence to make a better cup of coffee.

Seine Left Bank Coffee has always been a brand that emphasizes actual combat and puts an end to armchair discussions. From the establishment of the brand to the past 12 years, all decisions rely on actual market data feedback, and then through the first-line coffee shop actual operation team, applied to each coffee franchisee, so as to maximize the protection of the interests of investors.

"Data" is the basis of all decision-making, so how to effectively apply data decision-making to the operation and management of coffee franchisees has always been a very important part of the operation system of Left Bank Coffee. Now, after years of testing and improvement-"Left Bank Coffee Cloud Data Management System", finally officially launched!


1 What exactly is this system?

First of all, it's not a checkout system.

Cash register is only a link in coffee shop operation management, and its data dimension is very limited, which is not enough to support coffee shop operation decision. The Left Bank's Cloud Data Management System is multidimensional and comprehensive. Food data, beverage data, service feedback, consumer data, etc., allow operation decision-makers to understand the operation status of coffee shops more accurately from various aspects.

On the basis of correct understanding, the operation decision-makers of coffee franchisees can make correct adjustments to products, services, operations, etc., so that coffee franchisees can continuously renew their vitality and continuously enhance the profitability of coffee shops, thus remaining invincible.

Left Bank Coffee has invested a lot of manpower and financial resources in this "cloud data management system". All the data analysis dimensions are based on actual combat, which is a summary of years of coffee shop actual operation experience. That is to say, you can't find it in the cloud operation system on the market. It is a cloud data system dedicated to coffee shop operation.

Because the operation of coffee shops is very different from the operation of ordinary restaurants, only professionals who have many years of practical experience in coffee shop operation know what analysis data dimensions are really needed. Imagine that you know you want to analyze the product, but the product itself includes dimensions like color, fragrance, and taste, so what exactly needs to be analyzed?

These can only be summarized in actual combat, and then get to the coffee shop to continue to test, and then constantly adjust and integrate, and finally have such a set of actual combat capabilities "coffee shop cloud data management system", it is practical significance, is really honed in actual combat. And after years of testing and perfecting in direct sales stores, this system has also withstood the test of the market.


What does this system offer investors?

The success or failure of the coffee shop depends on the later operation. Correct operational decisions mean the right direction of effort. If the direction is wrong, the result will definitely be unsatisfactory.

The "Cloud Data Management System" of Left Bank Coffee will provide more sufficient data support for the operation decision of each coffee franchise store. Through the analysis of these data, the operation decision makers of coffee shops will more accurately and quickly discover the deficiencies and problems existing in the operation, make timely adjustments, ensure the profitability of coffee shops, and be able to respond to changes in the market and consumers in a timely manner.

2. The "sobriety" of Seine Left Bank coffee

"Sober" is a very central part of the operating philosophy of the Left Bank coffee brand. Talk about actual combat, look at the data, this is the best interpretation of the word "sober". As we all know, in terms of brand tonality and product strategy, Senna Left Bank Coffee insists on the "localization"_coffee + light meal model, and now it has been confirmed again_Starbucks Coffee is about to bring light meals into its operation system.

I believe you still remember that ten years ago, Starbucks founder Howard Schultz was angry because sandwiches covered up the aroma of coffee and said,"Get the sandwich out of Starbucks." Starbucks has announced that it will start cooking lunch in earnest. For many investors who want to enter the coffee industry, this message may make you rethink the coffee industry and understand the left bank coffee more accurately.


The initial "4 things to do in 5 years" is the basis for the correct decision of "localization"-"coffee + light meal" of Left Bank Coffee. Today, the "cloud data management system" is launched, which is the basis for more Left Bank Coffee franchisees to make correct operational decisions. The initial 5 years of perfection and establishment of brand culture, to the present 12 years_complete coffee ecosystem construction, cloud data management system online, Senna left bank coffee every answer is dedicated, I believe this cup of coffee will be more mellow, fragrant!