Coffee review

Alcoholic fresh electric coffee slow grinder with broken CP value

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, I didn't drink coffee at all before college. I didn't like anything so bitter, even with sugar and milk. The tea handed down by Chinese ancestors for thousands of years is healthy and delicious. Just drink tea. What kind of coffee do you drink? Later, when I learned the historical story of coffee in the book club, I found that coffee was also very literate, and then I embarked on the road of coffee addiction. To start tasting coffee, start with a milky latte (no

I didn't drink coffee at all before college. I didn't like anything so bitter, even with sugar and milk. The tea handed down by Chinese ancestors for thousands of years is healthy and delicious. Just drink tea. What kind of coffee do you drink?

Later, when I learned the historical story of coffee in the book club, I found that coffee was also very literate, and then I embarked on the road of coffee addiction. To start tasting coffee, start with a milky latte (not from the coffee square.) Then slowly start to try cappuccino to black coffee, or even espresso with ice cream.

The more I studied, I found that the charm of coffee is in direct proportion to the ability of addiction. Now it is a cup of black coffee a day, and I don't feel comfortable drinking it. The charm of coffee is not only delicious but also fun. If you really want to study what can be called "caffeine", you can delve into the variety, origin, way of picking beans, baking, extraction, seasoning, and so on. I am not an expert, but I am just very interested and know a little bit about it.

I often look around for coffee to drink and experience different tastes, but I still don't have the fun and money to make a cup of coffee. I always buy half a pound of freshly baked beans, because I am the only one to drink, one cup a day, half a pound just to maintain the freshness of beans, drink and then go to find different beans to taste fresh. I've tried an American coffee machine before. It's so slow.

French filter pressure, so slow.

The wind of the game is fun but slow.

If you want to drink coffee quickly, hand brewing is the fastest and most convenient way to taste coffee. Of course, hand brewing can also have a lot of knowledge.

Finally came to the focus of this article, grinding beans? At the beginning of learning to play hand-shaking, I feel very young and romantic, but very slow.

And the hands are sore, and the wooden hand grinder is not easy to clean. Replace it with a bean chopper. The flavor of the coffee beans has gone away. What a pity.

When I went online to do my homework, Pegasus was ready to buy it for him.

Friends introduced me to find this "mellow fresh electric coffee slow grinder". After my comprehensive evaluation, the CP value is the highest!

Mom! I got lucky! Everyone who knows me knows that the CP value is not high enough. I absolutely don't bother to write out-of-box recommendations. Pegasus is really too heavy and takes up too much space for me, and we all know that it is not easy to clean. This MIT is small and light, functional, cost-friendly, and completely solves my problem. Moreover, the original factory also comes with a car power cord, which basically allows you to grind wherever you go, which is very suitable for friends who travel and still want DIY coffee.

Open the box-MIT is still in the process of applying for patents in many countries, so let me be proud of being Taiwanese again

The content is super simple, a slow grinder, two kinds of power cords, and a manual in traditional Chinese (finally not simplified characters. Now everything is made by the mainland.

The weight scale is recommended according to your extraction method.

Disassembly and cleaning are also very simple.

I'll just use the instructions to make a cup of coffee and prepare 15g of coffee beans.

I set the scale to 5, and began to grind slowly, about one and a half minutes. Please refer to the film I recorded.

This is the bean grinded by the chopping machine before. It is also 15g. I will make two cups as the control group.

I personally like to drink the flavor of hot water at 85 degrees, which will be too bitter above 90 degrees.

Start extraction.


Both cups use 15g beans, both are hand-washed with 85 degrees hot water, the same filter paper, cups, brewing time and method

On the left is the coffee made by the slow mill, and on the right is the coffee made by the chopper.

The color is obvious, the extraction on the left is enough, the color is darker, and the right side is a little wasted.

I also asked my mother and my wife to try it, without telling them the difference between the two drinks.

They all think that the cup of coffee in the slow mill is more interesting.

My own obvious feeling is that the slow mill can really reflect the original flavor of coffee beans.

Before, you could only drink 50% of the taste with the bean chopper.

Disassembly and cleaning is very simple, which I think is very important to prevent the long-term residue of coffee powder from affecting flavor and even mildew.

Finally, I would like to share what I think could be a better place.

1. The fuselage and packaging take the simple home route, if the bright color or white piano paint is simply perfect (but the price may be.)

two。 This one should be newly launched, and no other comments can be found on the Internet. I hope more people will recommend it as a good product.

3. So good products can not be found on the official website?

As far as the price of 2800 yuan is concerned, this one is more than ten times the value for money. I have nothing else to ask for. I sincerely recommend it to coffee lovers.