Coffee review

The barista is very angry, the consequences are very serious, how to deal with it? At last it lights up...

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, I wonder if anyone here is in love with the barista. Is it hard to fall in love with a barista? is it sometimes difficult to manage in a relationship? Sometimes the other party will be angry, but do not know how to make each other happy, do not know how to coax each other. I always feel confused. What on earth should I do? In fact, it's very simple. A barista got angry.

I wonder if anyone here is in love with the barista.

Is it hard to fall in love with a barista?

Is it sometimes difficult to manage in a relationship?

Sometimes the other party will be angry, but do not know how to make each other happy, do not know how to coax each other.

I always feel confused. What on earth should I do?

In fact, it is very simple, a barista is angry, according to the following tutorial, there is nothing that can not be solved.

There is no problem in the world that can't be solved by one cup of coffee, if there are two cups.

A little angry is a good Kenya.

Anger is a delicious cup of snow coffee.

Breaking up can only be a good summer.

There is no problem in this world that cannot be solved by a flower jar, if there are only two:

Small anger is a set of Motta.

Big anger is a set of EV

Breaking up can only be a set of Barista Gear.

There is no problem in the world that can't be solved by a pink hammer, if there are two.

A little angry is a Sasa powder dispenser.

Big anger is La Marzocco.

The only way to break up is PullMan.

There are no problems in this world that cannot be solved by a hand mill, if there are only two.

Little angry is a Milco hand grinder.

Big anger is LIDO3 hand bean grinder.

The only way to break up is the HG one grinder hand grinder.

There is no problem that can't be solved by a single mill in the world, if there is one, only two.

A little angry is a little Fuji

Big anger is Ditting Kr804.

The only way to break up is to have a double-headed EK43.

There is no problem that can't be solved by an Italian mill in the world, if there is one, only two.

Small anger is Baratza Sette 270W.

Angry Nuova-Mythos One

The only way to break up is Mahlkonig K30 twins.

There is no problem in the world that can't be solved by a coffee machine, if there are two.

A little angry is La Marzocco Strada MP.

Big anger is Kees Spirit Triplette.

The only way to break up is Slayer 2G.

There is no problem in the world that can't be solved by a roaster, if there are two.

Xiao Liao is Fuji Discovery.

Big anger is GIESEN W1A.

If you want to break up, it can only be Probat P5gam2.

Have you had enough masturbation, everyone? the editor will give you a blow.

Baristas are usually dominated by men. What happens when a male barista gets angry?

As coffee dogs, male baristas are good enough to have girlfriends, so don't get angry casually.

If your girlfriend is a barista, you should cherish it. It is not easy to make coffee. You may go bankrupt one day.

All right, ladies, do you want all the utensils above?

You can start to get angry!

In fact, there is a way for someone to give you something good without getting angry.



Is it very practical?

Anyway, I've been taught that I have to read more books when I'm ugly.

No, I'm going to the library to get a seat.