Coffee review

Dehong Hougu Coffee Industry Poverty Alleviation Makes Enterprises and Farmers Win-win

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Yunnan Network News (Reporter Li Hongkai) A Party member activity office, an agricultural materials warehouse and a small farmer supermarket, a computer (recording and counting the economic and social development of the village), a projector (technical and policy training), a credit card machine (agricultural materials credit and recycling), plus a qualified technician, Dehong Hougu Coffee Implementation Five Plus


Technical training of Ka Nong


Set up a coffee cooperative

Yunnan Network (Reporter Li Hongkai) A Party member activity office, an agricultural material warehouse and a small farmer supermarket, a computer (recording and counting the economic and social development of the village), a projector (technical and policy training), a credit card machine (agricultural credit and recovery), plus a qualified technician, Dehong Hougu Coffee implements the "five plus one" project to serve farmers in an all-round way. In the coffee-growing villages to establish industrial cooperatives, the development of the industry, but also let local farmers get a real economic income.

Through the cooperative platform, villagers are trained in production technology and national policies, which effectively improves the degree of organization of farmers. We believe that poverty alleviation work can be more effective and accurate only if we develop industries on the premise of comprehensively improving the degree of organization of farmers, and then support farmers through the development of industries. " According to the person in charge of Hougu Coffee, Dehong Hougu Coffee Co., Ltd. signed a "coffee planting and acquisition contract" with local mountain farmers through the way of "company + base + cooperative" to provide farmers with high-quality seedlings and technical services free of charge, as well as interest-free agricultural credit, unified control of coffee planting procedures and standards, and purchase products above the protective price.

A reporter from Yunnan Network learned that at the end of 2016, Dehong Hougu Coffee Co., Ltd. developed a coffee planting area of 270000 mu and a fresh fruit output of 200000 tons, driving more than 300,000 local farmers to engage in the coffee industry. the fresh fruit money paid by enterprises to farmers reached 600 million yuan, and the average income of professional coffee growers increased by 45000 yuan, and the per capita income increased by more than 15000 yuan. It has directly led the poor households of more than 2000 households and nearly 10000 people in the planting area to get rid of poverty.

The way for the industry to get rid of poverty allows enterprises and farmers to achieve a win-win situation, and the healthy and sustainable development of coffee planting industry has also become a strong guarantee for Hougu coffee to go abroad. By the end of 2016, Hougu Coffee had total assets of 8.546 billion yuan, annual sales income of 5.078 billion yuan, import and export volume of US $559 million, tax payment of 30.08 million yuan, and its products were exported to 52 countries and regions, including the United Kingdom, the United States, South Korea and Singapore.