Coffee review

Dovar Learn more about Dovar

  • Saldova Coffee Flavors Saldova Coffee Features

    Saldova Coffee Flavors Saldova Coffee Features

    In the early 1990s, guerrilla warfare significantly disrupted the country's national economy, reducing coffee production from 3.5 million bags in the early 1970s to 2.5 million bags in 1990- 1991. The eastern part of the country was most affected by guerrilla warfare, and many farmers and workers were forced to leave their estates. The shortage of funds has led to a sharp drop in coffee production, from 1200 kilograms per hectare in the past to less than 1,000 kilograms per hectare today.

    2016-08-29 Sal Dovar Coffee Flavors Features Early Decades Guerrilla War Earth Bad