Coffee review

TERAROSA Learn more about TERAROSA

  • 4:TERAROSA, Old School Cafe

    4:TERAROSA, Old School Cafe

    What I want to introduce here is the TERAROSA main store. If you have the opportunity to travel to the east coast of South Korea, it is strongly recommended that you take the time to visit the TERAROSA main store in Yudanli, Jiangling City. It lies in a peaceful mountain field. If you go there for the first time, you may even suspect that you are going the wrong way. How could a coffee shop be opened in such a remote place? But when you walk in, you will find that the guests here

    2017-02-17 Old school cafe TERAROSA here introduction
  • If you go to Terarosa, you will understand why Koreans are so obsessed with coffee.

    If you go to Terarosa, you will understand why Koreans are so obsessed with coffee.

    Chengdu, April 23 / PRNewswire-Asianet /-- according to statistics, the number of South Koreans drinking coffee reached more than 340 cups per capita in 2014. When you come to Korea, you must have a cup of coffee. Just arrived in Gangling City, Gangwon, South Korea, which has a good reputation as the capital of coffee, someone said so. Locals say that coffee is a well-deserved national drink in South Korea.

    2015-04-24 Go Terarosa will understand Koreans why coffee so