Coffee review

Yasutaka Learn more about Yasutaka

  • Yasutaka Hisamitsu Cafe, a famous roaster in Japan

    Yasutaka Hisamitsu Cafe, a famous roaster in Japan

    GuildCoffee YasutakaHisamitsu, a well-known Japanese baker, opened the store in 2010. Jazz is played in the store, decorated in the same style as an old-fashioned coffee shop or a basement in a park. Only 4 guests can be accommodated! Our store is aimed at more takeout. If you drink it in the restaurant, it costs about 600 to 700 yen per cup, and only 250 yen to take out. There are 4 combinations and 12 on the menu.

    2016-06-30 Japan famous Baking Yasutaka Hisamitsu Coffee