Coffee review

That year, he came out again for the "Starbucks spirit".

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, If Zuckerberg had accepted a $1 billion bid for Facebook in earlier years, the market capitalization of Facebook would have been much smaller than it is today, and that's what he wanted to do, so he didn't want to sell it. Water can carry a boat or overturn it. Commercialization has many bundles of interests, and many decisions will pursue the maximization of interests. But once you lose your body, it will never happen again. Starbucks is at 200

If Zuckerberg had accepted a $1 billion bid for Facebook in earlier years, the market capitalization of Facebook would have been much smaller than it is today, and that's what he wanted to do, so he didn't want to sell it.

Water can carry a boat or overturn it. Commercialization has many bundles of interests, and many decisions will pursue the maximization of interests. But once you lose your body, it will never happen again.

Starbucks fell into an operational crisis in 2008, and this turnaround is a classic, not simply by improving business performance, but by "regaining its spirit".

Starbucks, founded in 1971, has continued to grow, while profits fell sharply between 2007 and 2008. Interestingly, in 2008, compared with 2007, there were 1600 more chain stores and 1 billion more sales, but the net profit was $350 million less, and the profit was only half what it was in 2007.

The turnover increases, but the profit decreases, judging from the mathematics, this is the operating cost is too high, should improve the business performance.

At that time, Starbucks supplied ground coffee powder to the store in order to provide coffee quickly, and there was no freshly ground coffee in the store. In this way, the mellow aroma of the ground coffee is gone. Even use a lot of unskilled baristas to make coffee, which further reduces the quality of coffee. In addition, hot cheese sandwiches are sold. The smell of the sandwiches outweighs the aroma of coffee.

Semi-retired Howard Schultz, who was forced to come out again, believes that Starbucks' loss of "Starbucks spirit" is the root cause of the downturn. Starbucks is going back to square one-not home, not the third place in the office.

In going forward, Schultz mentioned that there are still a considerable number of Starbucks "loyal fans" in the crisis, and they generally believe that "there is something better than coffee here." It well confirms the identity of Starbucks' soul and spirit, which is the reason why the guests are still willing to stay.

Recognizing this, Starbucks resumed freshly ground coffee and stopped selling strong sandwiches. It also acquired a new coffee maker brand. One afternoon, 7100 stores across the United States were closed to train baristas.

When there are problems in business, many enterprises will rack their brains to improve business efficiency, sometimes in order to reduce costs, simplify the "unnecessary" waste at the same time, also obliterate their own advantages.

It is rare in ancient and modern times to achieve the final intention.