Coffee review

Yuchi Township promotes Riyue Lake boutique coffee "Creative 13"

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, For the exchange of professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Yuci Township Office to promote boutique coffee, hold 13 creative gestures to take photos and upload raffles, and invite coffee masters to promote endorsements. (photo by Shen Fusheng) Riyue Lake boutique coffee, 13 gestures creative marketing. (photo by Shen Fusheng) the coffee industry will be promoted by the Yuchi Township Office in Nantou County on July 15 and 16.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Yuchi Township Office promoted boutique coffee, held "creative 13" gestures to take photos and upload lottery activities, and invited famous coffee teachers to promote endorsements. (photo by Shen Fusheng)

Sun Moon Lake boutique coffee, 13 gestures creative marketing. (photo by Shen Fusheng)

The Yuchi Township Office in Nantou County, promoting the coffee industry, will hold the "Taiwan Coffee Top 12 + 1 Invitational Competition" in Riyuetan on July 15 and 16, and will now post the "creativity ratio of 13" gestures in all cafes in Taiwan. The press conference was launched this (25) morning, and township head Chen Jinlun invited coffee experts from the north, middle and south to speak for each other simultaneously.

Chen Jinlun said that the three major agricultural products in Yuchi Township, such as black tea, coffee, and orchids, are known as the "three treasures of fish ponds." in order to invigorate the rural economy, "three treasures plus one coffee" has been promoted in recent years, and the first evaluation of Riyuetan boutique coffee was held the year before last.

In July last year, the township office invited Zou Zhuyuan, Chen Huangren, Zhuowu Coffee, Songyue Coffee, Shanhai Guanjia Coffee, Xiangyang Taiwan Coffee, Baisheng Village Coffee, Dragon Coffee, Shengu Mountain Coffee, Yutou Mountain Coffee, Kadufu Coffee, Zaoyou Pin Coffee and other 12 strongest coffee farms or estates in China for demonstration competitions, and arranged for Riyuetan boutique coffee to evaluate the first champion "Sun Moon Star Dance" competition.

The "Top 12 + 1 Invitational tournament" will continue this year, and the challenger is "Black Coffee Road", the second champion of Ryuetan boutique coffee last year. The township office launched an early campaign and invited famous northern coffee teacher Chen Zhengxue, Yunlin coffee master Liao Siwei, Kaohsiung coffee expert Luo Shixian, and Sun Yuetan famous barista Huang Jiahong to go to various cafes in the north, central and south to promote them yesterday.

Chuang Chih-chien, director of the Agricultural Economics Section of the Township Government Office, said that people usually choose any cafe in Taiwan before July 14, take photos of "13 fingers (13)" with their own creative gestures and upload them to the Facebook page designated by the Yuchi Township Office, and mark "2017 Best of Taiwan" and the name, address and telephone number of the coffee shop where the photos are taken, and the posts are shared with their own graffiti wall, they will have a chance to win the prize.