Coffee review

What would you like to drink on your first date with your girlfriend? Hot coffee, of course.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The exchange of professional baristas please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) in 2010, a paper published in the American journal Science, which had an impact on our pursuit of touch. The research team of Dr. John John Bargh of Yale University confirms that our thinking is influenced by touch. Although we believe that we are based on ourselves

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

In 2010, a paper published in the American journal Science had an impact on our pursuit of "touch". The research team of Dr. John John Bargh of Yale University confirms that our thinking is influenced by touch. Although we believe that we judge what is in front of us according to our own will, Dr. Bucky and others have come up with the results of an experiment that is counterintuitive.

In the experiment, they asked subjects to look at portraits of strangers and judge their personalities. The subjects had been divided into two groups in advance, one with hot coffee and the other with iced coffee.

Well, what do you think of the result? People who get hot coffee in advance are more likely to judge that the person in the picture is "warm" than those who get iced coffee. Because the temperature of the object touched by the palm of the hand affects their judgment of the personality of the person in the photo.

Dr Bucky's team further designed another experiment on the relationship between temperature perception and trust. In this experiment, they asked subjects to play investment games and placed cold or warm objects on the palm of their left hand. As a result, when the subjects were stimulated by cold temperature, the amount of investment became less.

That is to say, as soon as the hand is cold, the heart seems to get cold, and the trust in others decreases.

Why does touch affect judgment? There is such a hypothesis: take "cold" as an example, when the human body is stimulated by cold, the amygdala, which is in charge of value judgment, will respond, and because "cold" may pose a threat to life, the brain will judge that it is a danger signal and then evade cold stimuli. It is speculated that this may be the reason, resulting in the result of "distrust each other".

The "warmth" of coffee and the "warmth" of judging personality use the same adjectives, but the latter is a metaphorical device used to express abstract concepts. We understand the relationship between ourselves and others through the sense of touch that our body bears, and this is also reflected in verbal representation.

The warmth, softness, weight and other tactile sensations borne by the body do not attract attention anytime, anywhere, but we still seem to make decisions unwittingly and under the stimulation of touch.