Coffee review

You only know the coffee shop of Starbucks. Do you know how it plays the whole industry chain?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Following Cafe Review (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own, Starbucks, the coffee brand with the largest number of stores in the world, has launched a Yunnan specialty coffee bean. This may mean that Yunnan coffee, which accounts for about 95% of the country's output, has reached a new stage in the value chain of the world coffee market. Yunnan caffeine Starbucks

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

Starbucks, the coffee brand with the largest number of stores in the world, has launched a Yunnan coffee bean. This may mean that Yunnan coffee, which accounts for about 95% of the country's output, has reached a new stage in the value chain of the world coffee market.

First, Yunnan caffeine Starbucks advanced

"Ka Men" learned that this coffee comes from Pu'er, Yunnan Province, using 100% Arabica coffee beans grown in Yunnan, processed by washing and moderately roasted.

You only know the coffee shop of Starbucks. Do you know how it plays the whole industry chain?

▲ Qingshan Yuandai, the path is crisscrossing, the packaging is also very "Yunnan flavor"

In the cup test, it reflects the unique flavor of Yunnan coffee: mild acidity, bright and soft herbal flavor, round taste, rich and smooth taste. Even compared with the single bean from the world-famous producing areas, its flavor is bright and good enough.

In fact, the so-called single bean, usually refers to coffee beans from the same origin-like Kenya, Colombia, Sumatra and other world-known beans, is a concept that is extremely beneficial to the regional coffee industry. it means excellent quality and a high premium.

In the coffee consumption market in recent years, a subtle value chain has been gradually formed:

You only know the coffee shop of Starbucks. Do you know how it plays the whole industry chain?

Coffee value chain in ▲ Consumer Market

In the corresponding value chain, the advantage of producing area is most obvious in the upper reaches of the chain. Some inconspicuous countries, regions and even small towns are often known all over the world for producing famous individual coffee. The subtropical monsoon climate and unique geographical features make Yunnan a unique coffee producing area. However, for a long time, the brand image of Yunnan coffee has failed to rank among the forefront of global coffee producing areas because of its stable quality and brand awareness.

You only know the coffee shop of Starbucks. Do you know how it plays the whole industry chain?

▲ ripe Yunnan coffee berries

"We can't wait to share this Chinese coffee for the Chinese market with our customers." Wang Jingying, chief executive of Starbucks China, said.

It is reported that this coffee bean went on sale in all Starbucks stores in China in January and is available for limited time. In the near future, Yunnan coffee may make use of Starbucks' huge store system in China to reach a wider market with a more familiar image. Starbucks' new way of playing in the supply chain is also worth thinking about.

Second, Starbucks' inspiration: the coffee industry must rely on basic commercial skills to break the situation.

How does the industry break the situation? Combing through the process of Starbucks launching Yunnan single product beans, we can probably get some inspiration.

1. Intensive research technology: let more than one farmer grow high-quality beans

Never ignore the most basic technology.

The production conditions of individual coffee are relatively stringent, from cultivation and nursing to picking and processing. Even Starbucks, it took four years to launch such a Yunnan single bean.

Popularizing the high standard and advanced technology of coffee cultivation is not only a strong basis and prerequisite for realizing the high yield of coffee products, but also a link that Yunnan coffee has been committed to strengthening.

As early as December 2012, Starbucks established a Yunnan Coffee grower support Center to promote the local coffee and grower equity specification (C.A.F.E. Practices) certification standard, and to provide coffee planting techniques and training to local farmers under the guidance of this standard.

You only know the coffee shop of Starbucks. Do you know how it plays the whole industry chain?

▲ C.A.F.E.Practices standard

In order to improve the stability of coffee quality, Starbucks' introduction of lean management in the initial processing of local coffee is another bright spot.

In the initial processing, Starbucks has adopted "Kanban management" in Yunnan, a lean management method usually used in large manufacturing industries, which allows the selected Yunnan coffee beans to be processed in a more standardized, accurate and professional way. the stability of the product has been greatly improved.

"what we are committed to achieve is to steadily present these easily identifiable Yunnan coffee flavors in the coffee beans grown and processed in batches." Tong Aaron, director of Starbucks Yunnan Coffee grower support Center, told Ka Men.

Of course, Yunnan Coffee to fully achieve this goal is not an easy task, still need long-term systematic persistence. After all, it is one thing for a coffee farmer to grow good coffee at a high premium, and another for everyone to grow good coffee.

2. Win-win mechanism: promoting the virtuous circle of price and quality.

Yunnan coffee beans exceeded 40 yuan / kg in 2011, but plummeted to 15 yuan / kg the following year. This "roller coaster" price fluctuation has seriously affected the local coffee industry. When prices plummet, coffee farmers who lack bargaining power can only pick green beans and red beans, or even give up picking, in order to save costs.

In order to improve the reputation of Yunnan coffee, we must get out of the vicious circle of price and quality. But high standards also mean high costs for coffee farmers. How to guide local coffee farmers to adhere to high-quality planting management?

You only know the coffee shop of Starbucks. Do you know how it plays the whole industry chain?

▲ Yunnan Ka Nong

Starbucks' approach is a "high quality and good price" strategy. To put it simply, it is to pay a price higher than the industry market average price for high-quality Arabica coffee, encouraging coffee farmers to grow better coffee under the guidance of C.A.F.E. Practices standards.

It is not difficult to see that Starbucks has promoted a positive cycle in the local coffee industry through a guiding mechanism (pictured below):

You only know the coffee shop of Starbucks. Do you know how it plays the whole industry chain?

▲ the positive cycle formed by the guiding mechanism of "high quality and good price" at Starbucks

Starbucks revealed that its acquisition of high-quality Arabica coffee has six strict standards from appearance to quality, and the higher the degree to which coffee sold by farmers meets the standards, the higher the bonus will be based on the normal purchase price.

In the interview, local farmer Yogu told us that when he supplied high-quality Arabica coffee to Starbucks during the 2016 harvest season alone, he earned nearly 180000 yuan more because of "high quality and high price" on the basis of the normal purchase price.

You only know the coffee shop of Starbucks. Do you know how it plays the whole industry chain?

▲ high quality coffee beans will be rewarded in addition to the purchase price.

Through the establishment of planting standards and procurement price mechanism, coffee farmers are encouraged to grow coffee and form a positive cycle, while ensuring long-term sustainable coffee cultivation. Starbucks achieves a win-win situation of social value and commercial industrial chain layout.

3. Independent brand: what the world needs to know is Yunnan coffee.

In the coffee consumption market, there has been an embarrassing situation of "Yunnan desperately exporting and domestic importing desperately" for a long time.

If Yunnan coffee is to appear on the menu of more and more cafes, it must be in a market-oriented language and in a cosmopolitan language to tell stories about Yunnan that can be understood all over the world after the detours taken in the early days of brand establishment (such as peeling beans from young girls' lips, or integrating gossip into a coffee shop for nearly 700 yuan).

You only know the coffee shop of Starbucks. Do you know how it plays the whole industry chain?

▲ Yunnan Coffee needs to go into the world together.

International brands such as Starbucks are the bridge for the world to understand Yunnan and the landing and export of Yunnan coffee to more consumers. It is gratifying that more and more international brands have joined the ranks and completed coffee cooperation projects in Yunnan.

Conclusion: in a way that the world can understand

Combing the process of Starbucks pushing Yunnan single-product coffee beans, it is not difficult to find that promoting technology, lean management, and innovation mechanism in the upper reaches of the industry provides a continuous driving force and solid guarantee for shaping brands downstream of the industry. it is a good strategy to be evergreen in the industry market.

Some people may say that this is a layout that only big brands can afford. But with the help of the power that can be used to make a brand in a way that the world can understand, one day, you can, too.

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