Coffee review

Colorful fruit box, Amoy coffee. Understand the current situation of the seven most popular unmanned retail stores in one article!

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Following Kaiping (official Wechat account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own in 2017 as the first year of new retail, major retailers are actively exploring new formats. When it comes to the hottest retail formats these days, I believe everyone will think of unmanned stores. When the e-commerce giant Amazon launched the Amazon Go unmanned store at the end of last year, we saw retail.

Pay attention to coffee reviews (Weixin Official Accounts vdailycom ) and find a beautiful cafe to open your own shop

As the first year of new retail in 2017, major retailers are actively exploring new formats. When it comes to the most popular retail formats recently, I believe everyone will think of unmanned stores.

When e-commerce giant Amazon launched its Amazon Go unmanned store late last year, we saw a new trend in retail, but we still felt far away from ourselves. In just half a year, more and more unmanned shops have appeared around us, announcing that the era of unmanned shops is accelerating.

Today, Xiao Bian took stock of several unmanned store formats that are most concerned by the industry at present, and presented them intuitively from the aspects of technology used, initial launch time and layout of cities.

Here's a look at the details of these unmanned stores:

Name of Unmanned Shop

Layout/Investment Enterprise

time to be spent by

main technical

Launch City

number of stores

Amazon Go



Computer vision, sensors, deep learning

Seattle, USA

1 Hotel

binguo box

RT-Mart, Auchan

August 2016

RFID technology, Face Recognition technology, etc.

Zhongshan, Shanghai

of 10

Amoy coffee


in July 2017

Biometric autonomous perception, learning system, settlement intention recognition, target detection, tracking system


1 Hotel


real home

in July 2017

RFID technology, Face Recognition technology, Weight Sensing,

Planned to launch in Beijing


F5 future store

innovation Workshop, etc.

October 2014

robotic arm

Foshan, Guangzhou

5 in Foshan and 1 in Guangzhou



Yili, Laiyifen, etc.


QuiXmart Intelligent Retail System, Convolutional Neural Network, Deep Learning, Machine Vision, Biometrics, Biometrics Payment

Plan to launch nationwide




March 2017

Holographic store assistant of "Hol", drone


1 Hotel

Amazon Go

In December last year, Amazon announced Amazon Go, an unmanned store, and launched tests for employees. This "take-and-go, line-free" model immediately gained industry attention. It is understood that Amazon Go's merchandise display is basically the same as that of ordinary retail stores, mainly selling ready-to-eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as other packaged foods.

Amazon Go was expected to open to the public in early 2017, but the opening was delayed due to technical reasons, and the opening date has not yet been determined. However, Amazon has let many people start to understand unmanned stores.

binguo box

With the entry of retail giants such as Auchan and RT-Mart, Bingo Box has received wide attention from the industry. In fact, as early as August 2016, Bingo Box opened its first store, and it was not until June this year that Auchan entered Shanghai in cooperation that it really caused a sensation.

At present, there are 10 fruit boxes in operation, covering an area of about 15 square meters. They mainly sell convenience emergency commodities with more than 500 SKU. During the ten-month trial operation period, the fruit boxes receive tens of thousands of customers, realizing "zero theft" and the re-purchase rate of users is close to 80%. In addition, Bingguo Box has completed Series A financing with a financing amount of more than RMB 100 million.

Amoy coffee

Coffee is another popular unmanned store format, officially unveiled at the second Taobao Creation Festival, which opened last weekend.

It is reported that Tao coffee covers an area of about 200 square meters, set commodity shopping, catering in one, can accommodate more than 50 consumers. Coffee uses a number of cutting-edge technologies. Before entering the store for the first time, consumers scan a QR code with the mobile phone app to confirm the terms of the agreement to obtain the QR code "pass" for entering the store. When entering the store, they put their mobile phone on the gate for verification, and then they can start shopping at will in the store. A shopping experience of "automatic identification and pay-as-you-go" is realized.


Home store brand unexpectedly home also want to join the excitement of unmanned store, it is reported, unexpectedly home unmanned convenience store brand EATBOX will be in the end of July landing two stores, located in Beijing Dongzhimen, Century Jinyuan respectively.

EATBOX will have face recognition, weight sensing, cameras, RFID and other technical configurations. An Liying, general manager of Yishijia Supermarket, said: "Box products are more flexible and rent is lower. According to estimates, EATBOX's daily sales of more than 1500 yuan, can achieve single store profits in most areas of Beijing, EATBOX will first shop between stores, but the ultimate goal is market-oriented commercial dense areas."

F5 future store

F5 Future Store is a 24-hour intelligent unmanned convenience store that uses machine automation combined with algorithms to replace manual labor, providing fresh food goods to the outside world with an average of 50 seconds of delivery. It is reported that the mechanical products of F5 Future Store are independently developed and produced. After 200,000 tests, the error rate of the robot arm can be basically controlled at about one in ten thousand.

At present, F5 Future Store operates 6 stores in Foshan and Guangzhou, and recently completed 30 million yuan of A+ round financing, led by Innovation Workshop.


At the summit forum of "Artificial Intelligence Changes Retail" held recently, Shenlan Technology jointly released Alipay, Sesame Credit and NVIDIA Nvidia to release TakeGo, an unmanned intelligent store, which will fully realize the intelligent operation of unmanned stores such as sweeping hands into stores, shopping directly, taking and leaving without checkout.

It is reported that Wahaha and Shenlan Technology have signed a contract for 100,000 retail terminals in 3 years and one million retail terminals in 10 years. Yili, Laiyifen and other enterprises are also in cooperation negotiations.


In March, Swedish startup Wheelys opened an app-controlled self-service store in Shanghai, the company's first proof-of-concept in a busy metropolis. Consumers need to install an app on their phone that allows them to visit the store, enter the store, scan the barcode of the item they want to buy, and pay with a credit card when they leave the store.

In addition, the roof of the unmanned store is equipped with 4 drones, customers can order through the app, drones will bring goods to your home (this feature is still in testing).

Unmanned retail stores welcome bonus period, four trends deserve attention

A few days ago, Ai Media Consulting, a new economic industry data mining and analysis organization, released the 2017 Special Research Report on Unmanned Retail Stores in China. According to the report, the transaction volume of unmanned retail stores is expected to reach 38.94 billion yuan in 2017. In the next five years, unmanned retail stores will usher in a development dividend period. The growth rate is expected to reach 281.3% in 2020, and the market transaction volume will exceed 1.8 trillion yuan by 2022.

Unmanned retail stores are becoming a new trend. In addition to rapid growth, unmanned retail stores in China will also show the following trends:

1. The number of unmanned retail stores and user scale will be increased

At present, unmanned retail stores are in the embryonic stage, store laying is starting, and user coverage is low. In addition to e-commerce and Internet giants in the current industry, start-up enterprises have poured in and actively arranged. Unmanned retail stores adapt to the current new retail form, and their cost-saving advantages are prominent. At present, the main reason restricting their eruption is technical problems. However, in recent years, artificial intelligence has become the focus of many fields. Under various inclined conditions, unmanned retail stores will erupt on a large scale in recent years.

2. Mobile phone scene cultivation becomes the focus of merchant layout

As the new retail concept is gradually accepted and recognized by merchant users, the combination of online and offline forms is the most likely mode for future e-commerce development. Online VR technology enables users to experience real shopping without leaving home. On the one hand, users can really feel the details and quality of goods; on the other hand, simulating real shopping behavior can improve users 'shopping experience and stimulate users' consumption. In the future, the scene experience through mobile terminal layout will become the focus of merchants.

3. Ali's dominance is challenged, and the retail industry faces reshuffle

The retail giant represented by Ali has a perfect product system and a layout for all categories. In terms of user base, the user traffic of each platform has been basically finalized, Ali has obvious advantages, and its scale is difficult to be surpassed by the platform behind. As a form of new retail, unmanned retail stores expand platform users from online to offline, further open up the user market, and may partially replace traditional retail products as new consumption habits of users in the future. The change of consumption habits will trigger internal reshuffle of the industry, and the rear retail platform is expected to surpass.

4. Extension of all categories of unmanned retail stores, priority layout of high consumption density scenarios

At present, due to technical considerations, unmanned retail stores in China are only paved in retail store mode. As a new form of shopping in the future, unmanned retail stores will extend their products to all categories. Due to resource constraints, fast-moving products that match current technology and user base will become favored by merchants. Shops will also be densely laid in schools, offices and scenic spots with high consumption density.