Coffee review

Coffee addicted JOSH HARA and his coffee cup illustration

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional barista communication Please follow Coffee Studio (Wechat cafe_style) Josh Hara (Yoyoha) is an American illustrator famous for his interesting illustrations on coffee cups. Instagram in March 2014, Hara began to publish his coffee cup illustrations on Instagram, with a goal of completing 100 coffee cup illustrations. In many houses

Professional barista communication, please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style )

Josh Hara (Yoyoha) is an American illustrator known for his funny illustrations on coffee cups and Instagram.

In March 2014, Hara began posting his coffee cup illustrations on Instagram, setting a goal of 100 illustrated coffee cups. Hara quickly became famous after several online media reports, with his fans rising from 8000 to 40,000 in the first week and now more than 1 million.

Humor is an important gene in Hara's work.

All the articles about Josh Hara say he's addicted to coffee, and in an interview he replied,

"Depending on how you define addiction, I do drink a few cups of coffee a day to keep my brain in top shape. But if one day I lose my job, will I sell my property and go for coffee? Well, it's very possible."

(The coffee cup itself is the most commonly used stem in the work)

"The goal was to draw 100 cups, but after 300 I stopped counting. Now I try to draw normal "flat" cartoons at the same time, but I still haven't given up the medium of coffee cups."

(Josh Hara's "flat" cartoons)

"My favorite is the Starbucks cup, which is smooth and white in large areas. But I don't have any partnership with Starbucks itself, and I've had one or two conversations with their social media people, but that's it. I think they should like what I do, and maybe there's a possibility of a formal partnership with Starbucks in the future."

"My style has changed since I was young, and I always felt I couldn't paint the same people over and over again. The creative process is usually more casual, but most of the time I draw a sketch in a notebook or on any scrap paper I can find, which helps me get a rough idea of the overall picture."

If you've ever tried drawing on a glass, you'll find it hard, and Hara offers his rich experience: "Remember to rotate the glass when you draw. The common mistake of novices is to rotate the hand rather than the glass itself."

Today, Hara also offers a number of travel cups with his work on them, available at Society6, an American illustrated neighborhood mall, for $24 each.

Asked what happened to the painted cups, Hara said

"Sadly, these cups are stacked in boxes in my basement. I hope they don't come alive like Toy Story and sit around wondering when I'm going to pay attention to them again."


Article Source/ PADMAG

Photo by Josh Hara