Coffee review

Walk into art cafes and art as friends

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional barista communication, please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style ) drinking room painting friends, in addition to a coffee shop, but also provide painting tools for people to use, there are also some art-related courses. Nora, resident floral designer: The boss talked about one thing at the beginning, and I think it's quite good! He mentioned an idea that maybe this could become an art.

Professional barista communication, please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style )

"Drinking Room Painting Friends", in addition to being a coffee shop, also provides painting tools for people to use, and also offers some art-related courses.

Nora, resident floral designer: "The boss said one thing at the beginning, I think it is quite good!" He mentioned an idea that this might become an artist's base. Then maybe, the boss himself is responsible for the drawing part, then I might be responsible for the flower arrangement part, and the boss's girlfriend (Vanessa) might be responsible for the knitting part."

Vanessa, Resident Designer: "I think Hsinchu is great, there are a lot to promote and introduce to more people." In this space, we can convey a lot of aesthetic training, or let everyone feel that it is actually very simple and comfortable to come into contact with art and beauty."

You can choose to have a drink, admire the art displayed here, or paint yourself.

Customer: "I painted for about three hours."

"I think it's very quiet here. It's very suitable for you to paint, but it won't be as noisy as the chain cafes outside. And then the decorations are also very careful. For example, I also like those small handmade things on the wall. There are also exhibitions upstairs to see."

The second floor is the exhibition space, which will change the exhibition content regularly, providing a place for everyone to show their works and appreciate art.

At present, there are second-hand auction stalls in the store, with environmental protection as the concept, so that second-hand goods can be needed again.

The boss believes that art and painting are not far away.

Manager Chen Xinghao: "I think painting is a very easy and simple thing." We are in Taiwan, I found that many people may fear and fear this thing (painting). I hope people try it more, because art is not right or wrong, and as long as it makes you happy, it's a great thing."