Coffee review

The writer criticizes the coffee cup lid as a potential cancer crisis.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Exchange of professional baristas Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) people who like to drink hot coffee from superstores or coffee chains should pay attention! According to a survey by Taipei City councillors Wu Siyao and Liang Wenjie, 12 of the 16 superstores and chain cafes in Taipei, including McDonald's, Uni-President and Starbucks, still use the No. 6 cup lid with low heat resistance, with a ratio as high as 75%.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

People who like to drink hot coffee from superstores or coffee chains should pay attention! According to a survey conducted by Taipei City councillors Wu Siyao and Liang Wenjie, 12 of the 16 supermarket and chain cafes in Taipei, including McDonald's, Uni-President and Starbucks, still use the No. 6 cup lid with low heat resistance, with a rate as high as 75%.

Coffee has become an important part of modern people's daily diet.

It is pointed out that the No. 5 cup lid is made of polypropylene (PP), which is resistant to acid, alkali, chemicals and heat resistance up to 100C to 140C. It is internationally recognized as a safety container material. The lid of No. 6 cup is made of polystyrene (PS), which is an unfoamed polylone. The heat-resistant temperature is only 70 to 90 degrees Celsius. If it exceeds 90 degrees Celsius, it may deform and release trace styrene. If the human body has long-term contact, it may cause cancer of the gastrointestinal tract. Well-known writer Liu Kexiang has published an article criticizing that unified supercommerce and Starbucks using No. 6 cup lid to hold hot drinks will endanger the health of consumers.

From 7pm to 21, penalty will be imposed without marking.

Beicheng councillors Wu Siyao and Liang Wenjie visited 16 operators in 4 convenience superstores, 9 coffee chains and 3 fast food restaurants, only the whole family, Laierfu, OK supermarket and 85 ℃ used No. 5 cup lid, and 12 operators using No. 6 cup lid, including Unified supermarket, Starbucks, McDonald's, Dante Coffee, etc. According to the Food Hygiene Law, the cup lid must be filled with precautions such as material and heat-resistant temperature from July 21, and violators will be fined 30, 000 to 150000 yuan, the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau said.

Wu Siyao points out that although the Department of Health has not banned the No. 6 cup lid, the operators allow consumers to drink substances that may cause cancer because of cost considerations, and the Department of Health asks the operators to post "brew and sell the No. 6 cup lid coffee." the poster that the lid should be opened while drinking is tantamount to asking consumers to be "responsible for themselves" and calling on operators to replace the No. 5 lid, which is more heat-resistant, to protect public health. The Department of Health should also assume the responsibility of supervision.

Beishi Health Bureau: asking for improvement

The Taipei Municipal Health Bureau pointed out that the Food Hygiene Management Law does not specify which cup lids are available or unavailable, but the heat resistance of No. 6 cup lid is indeed poor. Although it meets the minimum standard, there are still doubts when drinking. It will be put on the road along with the relevant labelling standards for disposable plastic products and will be required for improvement.

Unified supermarket and Starbucks responded that the No. 6 cup lid used met the national inspection standards, and said that after self-inspection, it could withstand 85 degrees of heat, while the hot coffee served in the store had a temperature of more than 70 degrees and would not release bad substances. However, in order to avoid consumers' doubts, Uni-President has decided to replace the No. 6 cup lid in all channels with the No. 5 cup lid. Starbucks needs to discuss with its headquarters in the United States whether to replace the No. 5 cup lid.