Coffee review

The right position to work in a cafe! If you have a bad waist, you have to learn!

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Communication of professional baristas Please follow the Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) in recent years, as coffee culture is popular with people of different ages, more and more people like to shop in cafes, and many people even bring laptops to work in cafes for a whole day, but they do not realize that this will torment their waist and back. Wang, director of orthopaedic trauma in joint surgery

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

In recent years, with the coffee culture being sought after by people of different ages, more and more people like to go to cafes, and many people will take their laptops to work in cafes for a whole day, but they do not realize that this will make their backs suffer.

Professor Wang, director of orthopaedic trauma in joint surgery, pointed out that low back pain, back pain, dizziness and leg numbness. These discomfort may have something to do with making mistakes in life, and using a laptop in a cafe is one of them. These movements, which may make people feel comfortable and relaxed for a short time and last too long, may lead to muscle strain and even affect bone health.

Sit like a clock and exercise more

Keyword 1: working in a cafe

In many cafes, you can see such a scene: young people lying in front of the bar or crouching on the sofa, or tapping on their laptops, or bowing their heads to write and draw. What's more, some primary and secondary school students have joined their team to do their homework in the cafe. Some people can stay in a cafe for an afternoon or even a whole day.

Professor Wang pointed out that due to the poor height of bar chairs and sofa tables and chairs in many cafes, they are not designed in accordance with the requirements of office desks and chairs. The desks are too low and the chairs are too high to be used for office work. As a result, these "cafe office / learning families" who use computers or do homework tend to be more distorted: hunchback, hunched, head bowed. Excessive muscle traction is not conducive to maintaining the physiological curvature of the spine, which will lead to muscle strain and spinal lesions.

Key words 2: lazy man lying down, "GE you paralysis"

Recently, Mr. Wei, a loyal fan of a health appointment, encountered such troubles. He went to the orthopaedics department because of backache, but was told by the doctor that these problems were related to his hobby of "Ge You paralysis" and sitting on the couch of lazy people every day. "slumped on the couch of a lazy person, it is obviously very comfortable and relaxing, but why does it have anything to do with backache?" Mr. Wei found it unacceptable.

Lying lazy, "GE you paralysis" and the representative player of Nordic and Japanese furniture, "lazy sofa", make people in semi-recumbent position, bid farewell to sitting upright, although very relaxed, but in semi-recumbent position, the lumbar vertebrae lack adequate support. Conflict with the physiological Radian of the spine, over time, the gravity of the intervertebral disc increases, which is not conducive to the lumbar spine and spine to maintain the physiological structure.

On the other hand, in the semi-recumbent position, part of the muscle group is still in a tight state, and over time, it may lead to muscle strain, scoliosis, cervical spondylosis and lumbar disc herniation.

Key word 3: cross Jiro's legs

Does crossing Jiro's legs make you feel chic and comfortable? However, a moment of chic can cause endless harm.

Professor Wang points out that the action of holding up legs and stitching one foot puts a lot of pressure on the hips and waist. In particular, if you cross a leg for a long time, the blood vessels, muscles and nerves will be oppressed for a long time, resulting in leg numbness and other problems. There may also be muscle strain.

The spine of the human body is a well-designed system. If the pressure distribution of the lumbar vertebrae and thoracic vertebrae is uneven, it may cause spinal deformation and may also induce lumbar disc herniation.

How to sit, just won't backache?

Professor Wang pointed out that Chinese traditional culture requires "sitting like a clock", which is a good medicine for the prevention of low back pain. For office workers, sitting posture should be stable and upright, and do not sit on soft sofas and bean bags for a long time. Don't hit the computer for more than an hour in a cafe, and it's best to get up and move your head, shoulders and wrists every half an hour.

In order to protect the waist and back, the office chair had better choose the high-back chair. Specifically, sitting posture refers to the eyes looking forward, the back straight, the lower back leaning against the back of the chair. If there is a large distance between the body and the back of the chair, or if the back is often painful, add a small pillow or cushion between the body and the back of the chair to support the waist and relieve the weight of sitting on the waist.

The height difference between tables and chairs should be as reasonable as possible. The height of the desk should be placed horizontally with the forearm (from elbow to wrist) at a right angle to the upper arm, or when the user sits down with his thighs parallel to the ground and his calves perpendicular to the ground. If the chair is too high and your feet can't touch the ground completely while sitting, you might as well put a few books under your feet. If the chair is too short, you can raise it with a cushion to prevent the edge of the chair from putting pressure on the legs and the back of the knee.

Professor Wang suggested that when crossing Jiro's legs, you should pay attention to changing your legs every five or six minutes, instead of staying in the same position for a long time. Stand up for a drink of water or stretch every 45 minutes to relieve muscle fatigue. In addition, the air conditioning temperature of the office should not be set too low, especially the air conditioning outlet blows to the neck and shoulder, which is easy to aggravate the tension of muscles and muscles. If you stay in a coffee shop for a long time, the air conditioner in the coffee shop is usually set low, so it is best to bring your own shawl to avoid the cold of the cervical vertebrae and knee joints.

It is necessary to "save" the knee joint after the age of 30.

Key words 4: stoop to lift, stoop to pick up heavy objects

Bend over to lift heavy objects, bend over to pick up heavy objects. These movements make the waist very hurt. When bending over and leaning forward to lift heavy objects, it can not effectively exert the strength of the muscles around the hip and knee joints, and the lumbar fascia, muscles and ligaments are often injured because of heavy burden, which is also disadvantageous to the lumbar vertebrae. Especially for people with poor waist strength, they are more likely to flash to the waist.

Key word 5: squatting for a long time

Many people have the habit of squatting in the bathroom for a long time: it is a joy in life to read books and spend time alone on their mobile phones. However, whether sitting on the toilet or squatting, this will not only lead to numbness and pain in the feet, but also cause hemorrhoids and constipation. For middle-aged, elderly and obese people, joint weight-bearing is greatly increased, increasing the risk of joint injury.

Key words 6: climbing mountains, climbing stairs

Climbing mountains and stairs will cause the knee joints to bear more weight, resulting in articular cartilage wear.

When lying down, the weight of the knee is almost zero, standing and walking is about 1 to 2 times the normal weight, and up and down the stairs, the knee is about 3 to 4 times the weight. When squatting, the weight of the knee can reach 8 times the body weight. The greater the load, the more serious the wear and tear of the knee joint, and the more obvious the knee joint problem will be in old age.

Professor Wang pointed out that when picking up heavy objects, it is necessary to protect the waist. It is best to take the upper body vertical, knee-bending squatting posture to pick up heavy objects on the ground, pay attention to keep the spine vertical, and use leg muscle strength to support the body to stand up slowly to avoid sudden force.

Before the age of 30, the knee joint is in a "perfect state" and operates smoothly, and because young people are more active and more active, the main problem in this period is trauma. At the age of 30 to 50, mild wear and lesions began to occur in the cartilage and meniscus of the knee joint. The lesion is mild, sometimes too mild to feel anything, but some people feel "sore" after exercise. After the age of 50, with the aging of the cartilage and meniscus in the knee joint, the muscle and ligament around the joint also weakens the protective ability of the knee joint because of atrophy, and long-term weight-bearing also makes the articular cartilage wear and chronic inflammation. Therefore, many people will feel obvious joint pain, if the meniscus injury and compression occurs, in addition to the pain will lead to inconvenience, or even squat.

Try to reduce climbing and walking steps.

Therefore, doctors generally advocate that people over the age of 30 should learn to "save the knee joint."

When you go to the toilet, you should form the habit of not reading or playing with your mobile phone. When doing housework, such as washing clothes and vegetables, it is best to sit on a small stool instead of squatting for a long time.

Joint damage, obese people, the elderly try to avoid squatting, if you want to squat to pick up things, but also to support the table or chair, squat slowly, do not squat quickly, to reduce knee pressure. People with poor joints and insufficient muscle strength in their legs should try their best to reduce mountain climbing, especially the steps.

Protect the cervical vertebra and do more reverse exercise

Key words 7: sleeping on your back and sleeping on your back

Siesta can be called "national habit". At noon lying on the table to take a nap, the neck is twisted, easy to lead to cervical compression, dizziness after waking up, neck and even low back pain is unbearable.

Some people choose to sleep on their back: sit in a chair with a U-shaped pillow around their neck and sleep on their back. This can avoid cervical discomfort caused by excessive tilt, but you will still feel low back pain after sleeping for a long time.

Keyword 8: bow your head and play with your phone

Bow your head when you walk, bow your head in a car, bow your head at the dinner table, bow your head in an elevator, bow your head in the bathroom. Everything bows its head because of the mobile phone.

Swiping your phone with your head down will not only lead to a decline in eyesight, but also cause damage to the cervical vertebra.

Often do "rice" exercises.

To protect the cervical vertebra, it is best to keep the phone level with the line of sight or slightly low, keep the head upright, and do not contain chest hunchback.

Often do the word "rice", that is, swing your head back and forth, left and right, and write the word "rice".

It is best to lie on your back during a lunch break, because either sleeping on your back or lying on your back may cause some muscles to be overstretched and strained.

To delay bone aging, you might as well practice these six tricks.

Three moves for knee joint exercise

1. Lie on your side: lie on your left, knees slightly bent, heels together. Rest your head on your left arm and look straight ahead. Hold about 1 to 2 kilograms of weight in your right hand and place it on the outside of your leg. Then the abdomen and buttocks are taut, try to raise the knee of the right leg, and the body does not move when lifting the leg, hold on for a few seconds, put it down.

two。 Leg lifting exercise: sit in front of the seat panel at 1 stroke 3, gradually lift the leg, and maintain in the air, maintain muscle tension for a few seconds, both legs can be carried out at the same time.

3. Ride an empty bike: lie flat on the bed, straighten your legs up and imitate the action of stepping on a bicycle. However, it should be noted that no matter how to exercise, we should pay attention to the right amount, and if there is knee joint pain in the process, we should stop exercising immediately.

Three exercises of lumbar vertebrae

Stretch: do more stretching movements, which is good for spinal health. In addition to stretching, you can also kneel on the bed or mat, buttocks against the heel, hands as far as possible forward.

Flying swallow movements: one hand against the wall, standing on one leg, head up, chest out, supporting leg knee bandage straight, the other leg gradually raised backward and upward, the body leaning forward, close to parallel to the ground, the other hand raised backward and upward.

Meniscus style: lie prone on the bed, stretch your chest and raise your head, straighten your hands forward, straighten your knees, and push your legs back to make your head, chest and limbs lift away from the bed as far as possible, showing a crescent shape.