Coffee review

The secret biography of how to make coffee, "Heart method", will immediately multiply your skills!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, For professional baristas, please follow the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon of Ang Lee in the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style). There is a scene like this: the head of the catcher from Shaanxi chased the blue-eyed fox to the capital. Overnight, the enemy met, the fight was particularly fierce, the hero appeared in the hustle and bustle, the battle situation changed instantly, and the blue-eyed fox was about to be killed under the sword.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Ang Lee's "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is very popular, in which there is a scene like this: the catcher of Shaanxi chases the blue-eyed fox to the capital. Overnight, the enemy meets, the fight is particularly fierce, the hero appears in the lively, the battle situation changes instantly, the blue-eyed fox is clumsy on the left and the right, and is about to be killed under the sword, suddenly the masked guest wants to be rescued, and the hero can easily let go and trap the masked guest as soon as he lets go. Who would have thought that the masked guest unexpectedly used his own sword, so he tried a few tricks. All the lost martial arts tips were learned by this girl, but there were no mental skills, and there were many flaws between advance and retreat. In the film, it is also explained that the blue-eyed fox lags behind Yu Jiaolong because of his illiteracy and Yu Jiaolong's deliberate concealment.

You see, three people, the same book of secrets, different people have different realms, what is the difference? One is that you can't read and swallow dates, and you can't make progress for ten years; the other is naturally intelligent and highly qualified, and you get great martial arts skills by figuring out the meaning of the words, but in the eyes of the heroes, there are a lot of flaws.

Why? Because there is no "method of mind"! However, the mind is not on the paper! The way of mind is not one move, one way!

The "Dharma of the mind" can only be understood beyond words. Although the Buddha said, "unspeakable", it has been said for 49 years, so that those who "speak" and have wise roots will naturally understand, but "do not speak" will not have a chance at all. You see, in order to pass on the mantle, Li Mubai has to try even if the nature of Yu Jiaolong is arrogant, so "don't say" doesn't mean "don't say", but don't say it before the time comes, even if you lose your life!

So, how to make a good coffee is not one way, if you know the "heart method"! As long as you know the "mind method", any move is natural and easy to use! That's for sure! If you already know a lot of moves, then the "mind method" immediately deepens your skills several times!

Mental method (1) familiarize yourself with your equipment

You must be very familiar with all the coffee equipment you use, including how to adjust, disassemble, repair, and use it more easily, and use it with compassion and gratitude!

Mind (2) you need to know the key to making coffee

The key to making coffee is: 1. Temperature: to control the temperature is to make a cup of coffee! You have to try your best to find a way to control the temperature! two。 How the powder is combined with water and the complete dissolved ingredients: complete taste; not good taste or bad taste, complete taste is the basis of training. Only with the complete taste can you know the advantages and disadvantages of your cooking method and adjust the baking.

Mental method (3) you need to know how the coffee equipment you use works.

For example, how does siphon cooking get the water from the runway to the pot? Where's the mocha pot? How to soak the ingredients of coffee? don't just listen to what people say, but figure it out and experiment it out for yourself!

Mind method (4) sufficient empirical value

You already know the first three rules, so the fourth and most important one is to have enough experience, keep practicing, and then use it freely!

When you understand, familiar with and practice in person, you will find that there is only one mind method, and the first three items have been accumulated into the last one, and then, one day in the bright afternoon sun, you suddenly realize & # 39; there is no "mind method" at all, and there is no "move"!

Because you already know that making coffee is just making coffee, there's nothing to say! Unless the time has come to say it.

Right! That's when it's time!