Coffee review

It is difficult for young children to control. Japanese coffee shops prohibit children from entering.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The exchange of professional baristas please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) A Japanese-style coffee shop in Japan. A few days ago, the Japanese-style sliding door of the shop was damaged by young children, so the shopkeeper refused to bring guests with young children into the shop, prompting netizens to discuss the issue of child discipline. Finally, after the parents called to apologize, the comedy ended.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

In a Japanese-style coffee shop, the Japanese-style sliding door of a Japanese-style coffee shop was damaged by young children a few days ago, so the owner refused to bring guests with young children into the shop, prompting netizens to discuss the issue of child discipline, and the comedy ended after parents called to apologize.

The incident happened in a coffee shop in Okayama prefecture. In July, the sliding door paper of a Japanese-style sliding door in the store was damaged, and the store suspected that it was caused by a child, so it put the damaged sliding door on the door of the store and posted the message that "recently the equipment in the store has been damaged by preschool children." I hope customers will pay attention. A few days later, the Japanese sliding door was poked several more holes, although the suspected mischievous child was found, but the child's mother left without saying, "my child didn't do it."

Dissatisfaction with the destruction of facilities leads to a discussion on discipline.

The owner of the store, Shinuki Matsuyong, posted a Twitter post on August 12, saying that considering the atmosphere in the store and the burden of the staff, customers were temporarily refused to bring pre-school children other than 0 years old into the store. Some netizens strongly support the boss, saying that poor discipline is the problem of parents, but others believe that we should not "sink a boatload of people with one bamboo pole".

On August 27, a parent finally called to apologize for their child's destruction of the sliding door. As a result, Matsuyong promised to resume allowing parents to bring their children into the store in September, but agreed to three rules to ensure that they would comply with the store's requirements before entering.

The incident sparked discussion, and scholars believe that Japanese society has changed as a result of "younger age", and how to discipline their children has also become an important issue for parents.