Coffee review

Coffee cup test | does the cup test actually distinguish the taste according to the taste map?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional barista communication Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) what will be the result if you judge the taste according to that taste map? 1. The tongue is divided into four blocks, which means that each block can only taste 1 / 4 of the taste, and it is a single taste, not the taste of another 3gam4. Equal to the complete flavor is cut into separate blocks of 1A4 each. four

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

If you judge the taste according to that taste map, what will be the result?

1. The tongue is divided into four blocks, which means that each block can only taste 1 / 4 of the taste, and it is a single taste, not the taste of another 3gam4. Equal to the complete flavor is cut into separate blocks of 1A4 each. Four 1Accord 4 equals 1Compact 16. In other words, a complete taste is actually only judged by the taste map after the taste map is analyzed.

two。 The taste map will make you think that the area on the tongue can directly distinguish the smell. Therefore, only the taste itself, and the taste-related memory can not be associated.

3. Taste is memorized, taste buds do not remember taste, it is the brain that remembers taste. And memory is habitual or compulsive. You can't drink what you don't remember. Taste maps can disconnect memory from the actual taste. In other words, forcing your sense of taste to drink acid in the so-called sour area, this obsessive-compulsive behavior will become memory, forced memory will form a habit, only in the sour block to drink sour memory. This memory is sent back to the brain, and the brain determines that the taste drunk in the [acid] area is [acid]. In the same way, sweet drink in sweet block, bitter drink in bitter block and salty drink in salty block. It is the memory of forced learning that causes paranoia in brain judgment.

4. The cut taste area cannot feel the taste [flow path and change], that is, the taste is frozen. Another theory is that it tastes [dead]. Actually, it's the sense of taste.

This explains why many people only drink what he wants, but can't drink what they don't want. Smoke, smoke, fishy, astringent, oily, raw. It smells like grass. The sour taste of chemicals (sulfuric acid, nitric acid, etc.), the bitter taste of fried herbs, the taste of rubber, the taste of pot bottom, the smell of burning wet wood, the taste of salty and astringent, and so on. He may not be able to drink these bad tastes, but he may be able to drink all the tastes reported by the cup test.

People who learn the same taste map system will drink the same taste in the same area, which is the common language for them. This common language actually comes from the eating habits of a certain race in Europe, which has been modeled and simplified, spread to the United States with the war, and is used as a textbook to educate the public. Then it was regarded as a scripture by the coffee industry in the United States, spreading the American concept of boutique coffee through the so-called boutique coffee.

There's nothing wrong with this. Anyway, it's just giving up your own taste system and accepting other second-hand and third-hand taste systems.