Coffee review

Is it more healthy to drink moderately roasted coffee? Is deep roasting coffee healthy? Which baking degree can store the most antioxidants?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional barista communication Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) for consumers, they may not need to know the details of the baking process, go directly to the store shelf to take a bag of cooked beans and go home; if you are more advanced, go to a small nearby cafe and talk to the boss (usually the boss is a good baker).

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

For consumers, they may not need to know the details of the baking process, go directly to the store shelf and take a bag of cooked beans home; go to a nearby small cafe to talk to the boss (usually the boss will be a good baker). Try coffee with different roasting levels, or ask the master to tailor your favorite ripeness according to your personal preference The simplest thing, of course, is to sit down leisurely in a cafe, slowly enjoy a cup of coffee, and wash up busy and irritable.

When drinking coffee, they taste the fresh and fragrant sour aroma, which not only satisfies the sense of smell and taste, but also drinks all kinds of fruit acids of coffee, which are healthy antioxidants.

However, scientists can't help but wonder how far coffee beans have to be roasted to store the most antioxidants.

Han Huaizong, author of Coffee Science, cited foreign studies to point out that after roasting, raw beans have a great increase in antioxidant capacity and have a better ability to repair cells than beans before baking. The study also found that beans are roasted for about 10 minutes. Coffee has the strongest ability to remove free radicals, but he said that at this time the coffee is still too sour and difficult to enter, and it is better to wait until at least 12: 15 minutes. It belongs to light roasting, light roasting and medium roasting coffee beans. It tastes sour and bright, so it is a good choice for health coffee.

As for deep-roasted coffee, the acid is gradually lost in the roasting process, and the drink is more bitter. Chang Wen-Wei, director of the Taipei boutique Coffee Business Association and head of coffee awareness, emphasizes, "it's like roasting until the meat is scorched, and you eat these scorched food for a long time. Do you talk about keeping healthy?" He asked, and the answer was, of course, "it is better to eat less."

Baking is the magic of coffee.

Baking is a wonderful process, like magic, the original tasteless coffee beans, after quenching, the internal substances of the beans are completely reorganized and transformed into fragrant and charming beverages.

For a coffee roaster, baking beans is both a science and an art. He must master the right rhythm to bake the aromatic molecules without scorching the beans.