Coffee review

Want to burn fat and want to lose weight? In addition to lemonade and coffee, these five drinks are also fine.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional barista communication Please follow what would you like to drink when you lose weight in the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)? Many people think that lemonade is the only weight loss drink. In fact, there are several drinks in exercise and healthy work and rest, can also play the effect of accelerating fat burning. Many people who are losing weight use lemonade as an indispensable daily drink. In fact, there is no one.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

What would you like to drink when you lose weight? Many people think that lemonade is the only weight loss drink. In fact, there are several drinks in exercise and healthy work and rest, can also play the effect of accelerating fat burning.

Many people who are losing weight use lemonade as an indispensable daily drink. As a matter of fact, no single drink has the magical effect of losing weight. However, there are some drinks, if combined with healthy diet and living habits, you can get twice the result with half the effort. The following drinks seem ordinary, but actually have the effect of promoting fat burning.


Prevention (Prevention) magazine, a well-known US health website, pointed out that coffee is a natural energy drink. Research shows that drinking a cup of coffee before exercise can make people exercise longer, work harder and therefore burn more calories than those who exercise without drinking any caffeine. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Fitness (Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness) found that people who drink coffee before going to the gym use the leg training machine (leg press machine) 20% more often than those who don't, but remember to drink black coffee to have this effect.

ice water

Prevention magazine also mentioned that lemon slices in lemonade can also be fat-burning drinks by replacing lemon slices with ice cubes. When the ice water is down, the body produces more energy to raise the body temperature to its original level. Mitzi Dulan, a dietitian for the Kansas City Royals in Major League Baseball, says drinking three cups of ice water a day can help your body burn an extra 100 calories and lose nearly 5 kilograms a year.

It should be reminded that Westerners seem to have no taboos about cold life, and people in the West can consider and adopt them. However, if the personal physique is too cold, you can also drink fat-free drinks other than ice water, which is also helpful to reduce fat and weight.

Green Tea

The Journal of the American Nutrition Association (Journal of the American College of Nutrition) points out that people who drink four cups of any tea (about 235g) a day lose about 3kg more after two months, compared with those who only drink boiled water at room temperature. Similar studies were published in the European Journal of Nutrition (European Journal of Nutrition). Scientists believe that tea contains catechins, caffeine and other antioxidants.

If you want to lose a few more kilos, you can't add sugar to your tea. In addition, do not buy green tea nutrients from unknown sources to avoid liver damage.

Orange juice

The Mayo Medical Center in the United States has recommended five cholesterol-lowering star foods, of which the only cholesterol-lowering drink on the list is orange juice. The reason is that orange juice contains phytosterol (plantsterols, or stanol), a chemical with a similar cholesterol structure that competes with cholesterol to be absorbed in the gut, thereby reducing the amount of cholesterol in the blood. In addition, studies have shown that daily intake of plant sterols of 2 to 3 grams can reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) by 615% without affecting good cholesterol (HDL).

Lower bad cholesterol can also help reduce body fat.

But whether it's market orange juice or self-squeezed orange juice, be careful about the sugar content. The World Health Organization recommends that free sugars (including added sugars, as well as monosaccharides and disaccharides naturally found in honey, syrup, fruit juices and concentrated juices) should not exceed 10% of the total daily calories or even less than 5% in 2015. Taking the average daily calorie intake of 1800 calories as an example, the recommended daily sugar intake is 45g (10%) and 22.5g (5%).

Hawthorn drink

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Hawthorn has the effect of removing blood stasis and reducing fat, and often drinking Hawthorn drinks can help reduce cholesterol and triglyceride, so traditional Chinese medicine often uses Hawthorn as the main ingredient of various Xiaozhi drinks. Interestingly, the study found that the mechanism of Hawthorn is not to block the body's absorption of cholesterol, but to speed up the removal of cholesterol. Therefore, when Hawthorn is paired with a high-fat diet, the fat-reducing effect is not obvious, but once the high-fat diet is stopped and Hawthorn drinks are used at the same time, the fat in the blood will drop rapidly.

However, the acidity of Hawthorn may cause gastrointestinal discomfort, physical cold or gastric ulcer patients, before drinking Hawthorn fat, or should first consult a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner.