Coffee review

3-in-1 coffee is harmful, white coffee is even more terrible! Attention, coffee fans!

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, Professional barista communication Please follow the coffee workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style) have you ever wondered what is in the instant coffee that is convenient and easy to brew quickly? As a practitioner in the Internet industry, the author often sees programmers, programmers, operating dogs, product dogs and wet shooters pouring coffee while working overtime, and the office often has large bags of Nestle (Nestl é)

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Have you ever wondered what is in instant coffee that is convenient and easy to brew?

As a practitioner in the Internet industry, the author often sees programmers, programmers, operating dogs, product dogs and wet shooters pouring coffee while working overtime, and the office often has three-in-one Nestle bags. I would like to advise you: stop drinking instant coffee, not because it is not strong enough, but because it is not real coffee at all, and it is very unhealthy.

-where did instant coffee come from?

Instant coffee was invented much earlier than you think. David Strang, a New Zealander, invented and patented the earliest instant coffee in 1890 and improved it in 1901 by Kato Satori, a Japanese scientist working in Chicago, USA. Since then, George Washington, an American who has nothing to do with the founding father of the United States, invented the technology for mass production of instant coffee and brought it to market in 1910.

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George Washington's Instant Coffee Advertisement

But the real development of modern instant coffee technology came in 1938, when the Brazilian government, in cooperation with Nestle, developed a more advanced spray-drying method for instant coffee production in response to the coffee bean surplus problem. The specific method is to evaporate the water in the coffee bean extract with hot steam, leaving a dry extract, which can quickly dissolve in hot water, and takes up less space and volume during storage and transportation, and is more resistant to storage, so it is popular in the mass market.

The earliest widespread use of instant coffee was on the battlefield of World War II, when Allied soldiers used instant coffee as a daily drink, which was both convenient and refreshing, and made instant coffee available to the world.–

Where is instant coffee?

First of all, the raw materials used to produce instant coffee are mainly relatively "low-end" Robusta coffee beans (because of their bitter taste and high caffeine content), and only the diseased, broken, and deformed discarded beans are used to produce instant coffee.

Of course, in recent years there have also been some "fine instant coffee", which we will mention later, but the overall situation has not changed, and instant coffee is still produced from the lowest quality coffee beans. Secondly, the degree of roasting of coffee beans used to produce instant coffee is often insufficient, staying at a relatively early stage, and the aroma cannot be fully exerted.

Finally, when extracted with high temperature steam, most of the aroma substances in coffee disappear, and most manufacturers add essences to compensate for the lost aroma during extraction, concentration or drying. Therefore, instant coffee is about equal to artificially extracted bitter spices, the nutrients of natural coffee beans are basically destroyed, and there is no natural aroma and mellow taste.

Even worse is coffee! Instant coffee itself is almost "junk food", but even worse is the so-called "coffee mate". This includes all kinds of "three-in-one" instant coffee, which is a blend of sugar and coffee mate in instant coffee.

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Nestl é coffee companion ingredient list

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The common Nestle 2+1 instant coffee ingredient list coffee mate, also known as "creamer", the main ingredients are hydrogenated vegetable oil, corn syrup, casein, spices, food coloring, etc., the role is to increase the milk flavor in food, instead of pure dairy products to reduce costs.

Hydrogenated vegetable oil, its original intention is to reduce the unsaturation of vegetable oil, so that it can maintain solid form conducive to production and processing, but because of the high temperature and high pressure conditions required in production, a large part of the vegetable oil without hydrogenation has changed from natural cis structure to trans structure and become trans fatty acid.

The dangers of trans fatty acids include:

① inhibition of growth and development, easy to make fetuses and children suffer from essential fatty acid deficiency.

② induce cardiovascular disease, it will increase the content of low density lipoprotein in the blood, reduce the content of high density lipoprotein.

3. It is easy to cause fat accumulation and lead to obesity.

④ It induces the expression of proto-oncogenes, leading to cancer.

Among them, especially for cardiovascular harm is very large, intake of trans fatty acids people suffering from coronary heart disease or obesity is much more likely than the general population. Need to be particularly reminded that many businesses consciously avoid "trans fatty acids" and marked with other ingredients, at present all ingredients appear in the list such as: hydrogenated vegetable oil (including hydrogenated palm oil, etc.), refined vegetable oil (including refined palm oil, etc.), shortening, refined shortening, cocoa butter, vegetable butter, margarine, vegetable fat powder and other words are containing trans fatty acids.

Yesterday I went to the supermarket to investigate, currently common on the market "three-in-one" instant coffee and bottled coffee drinks, 100% added to the plant fat powder, not listed here. I also found the following situation.

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Don't blindly believe in "white coffee"

In recent years, due to the rise of online shopping, many Southeast Asian brands of coffee with its low price, sweet taste, quickly occupy the domestic market, one of the outstanding is the so-called "Malaysian white coffee". Common brands include "Old Street", "Yichang Old Street", "Yibao" and so on. In addition, such as Vietnam "G7 coffee" and so on, it is also very popular.

Many people think that white coffee tastes sweet and mellow, and manufacturers also take the opportunity to promote that white coffee tastes better than black coffee and has the advantages of not getting hot. In fact, this is definitely a kind of over-propaganda and whitewashing. According to the legend of the residents of Ipoh, Malaysia, a tin miner surnamed Wu in China developed this coffee in the 19th century. Coffee beans fried with a small amount of vegetable butter and sugar are lighter than those fried by other methods, so they are called white coffee.

Why stir-fry coffee beans with vegetable oil and sugar?

This is mainly because the traditional coffee beans grown in Southeast Asia are Robusta, which tastes more bitter and sour than Arabica, and the caffeine content is twice as high, so it is not good to drink directly. It has long been used as a blend with Arabica, and the price is relatively low. In order to improve the taste, the locals came up with the idea of stir-frying with cheap margarine and sugar.

Using margarine to stir-fry repeatedly at high temperature has the same actual effect as hydrogenated vegetable oil. coupled with sugar, it can be said that white coffee is a "three-in-one coffee" of the original process from the very beginning. While we can buy instant white coffee on the market, in order to differ from the general instant coffee in taste, we deliberately add more plant fat powder and sugar, which is more harmful to our health! -

Do you have any healthy instant coffee?

First of all, it is recommended that you had better choose natural coffee bean grinding powder to brew. In fact, simple hand-brewed coffee tastes good and is easy to operate. But this is another topic, next time I will specifically introduce, today we will only talk about instant coffee. As I mentioned earlier, there are some "fine instant coffee" at present. Common brands are: David Duff, Maxim, ucc and Nestle Gold.

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Nestle gold suit is different from traditional instant coffee, these fine instant coffee no longer use high temperature extraction method, but use low temperature to remove moisture, that is, we often say "freeze-drying" method, which can better maintain the aroma of coffee itself. there is no need to add spices.

With such instant coffee, coupled with pure milk or milk powder, condensed milk, etc., you can drink healthy and delicious coffee. (of course, it can't be compared with hand-made coffee.)

Kangjian collected 28 items of three-in-one, two-in-one and filter-hanging ground coffee products for analysis and comparison, discussed from the point of view of food nutrition and coffee quality, and put forward the following five reminders.

1. You think sugar-free coffee is actually high-fat per person's daily calorie intake from fat should only account for 1020% of the total calories, no more than 30% at most. When the fat-calorie ratio of a product exceeds 30%, it enters the dangerous range of "high fat", cautioned Liu Qinyu, an assistant professor in the Department of Nutrition Science at Fu Jen University.

In the investigation and analysis, Kangjian found that whether it is three-in-one or two-in-one coffee, the proportion of fat content is almost all too high. According to the nutrition label data of the three-in-one coffee sold in the market, both the real pot Mantenin and the Benazon classic Mantenin have a fat-calorie ratio of more than 30%. What is even more amazing is that behind the "sugar-free" two-in-one coffee, there is actually the truth of "high fat". You may think that sugar-free two-in-one coffee is healthier, but the numbers can talk. Two-in-one coffee all have more than 30% fat calories, and even more than 50% of fat calories in the real pot classic sugar-free two-in-one and UCC charcoal-fired two-in-one. Compared with filter-mounted grinded coffee, which kind of coffee you drink determines your fat intake. 2. Convenient three-in-one, two-in-one, containing 60% 80% cream and sugar cream, sugar, coffee beans all have carbohydrates. Comparing the content of carbohydrates (carbohydrate density), it was found that the proportion of carbohydrates in three-in-one and two-in-one was 6-8 times different from that in filter coffee, and the difference was sugar and cream. In the case of filter coffee, for example, the sugar density is 0.1, which means that only 1 gram of a packet of 10 grams of coffee powder is carbohydrate and comes from the coffee itself. But three-in-one and two-in-one coffee are completely different. The carbohydrate density of three-in-one coffee is as high as 0.7-0.8, that is, 12-16 grams of a 20-gram three-in-one coffee are carbohydrates, mostly from sugar and cream, almost like sugary drinks. Although the two-in-one coffee has no sugar, cream also has carbohydrates, so the sugar density is slightly lower than that of the three-in-one coffee, but it is also about 0.6. only the charcoal-fired two-in-one of UCC has a lower carbohydrate density. If the portion difference is not taken into account, the calorie of each brand of three-in-one coffee in a single package can reach 1.6 times; compared with filter coffee, the calorie difference is more than 20 times. Take the UCC original flavor comprehensive convenient brewing coffee (filter hanging type) as an example, the calories are only 4 calories, but the calories of UCC's selected comprehensive three-in-one are 78.6 calories, a difference of 20 times; Seattle instant manning and Benazon classic mantenin are both more than 90 calories, the difference is as much as 23 times.

The calorie density is the heat generated per gram of food, if the density is more than 4, it is a high-calorie food. The survey found that every brand of three-in-one coffee in ▼ has a calorie density that exceeds the standard. The number of ▼ two-in-one coffee is polarized. it is true that the calorie density of UCC and Benazon sugar-free two-in-one coffee is a little low, which is 3.8 and 3.2 respectively, but the calorie density of Nestl é and Brown two-in-one coffee has risen to more than 5. The calorie density of ▼ filter coffee varies from 0.4 to 0.6. In the process of data analysis, it was also found that the calorie labels of some brands were different from those calculated according to the actual calculation of the three major nutrients. Liu Qinyu said bluntly, "how can we let consumers know what is in coffee?" "3. It is impossible to verify the quality and content of coffee. In fact, instant coffee powder, whether three-in-one or two-in-one, has the disadvantage of insufficient aroma in the first place. "the most important thing in drinking coffee is the aroma, but the aroma will be destroyed in the freeze-drying process of instant coffee, leaving only a bitter taste," said Zhuang Hongzhang, who won the 2010 Asian Coffee Masters Competition and is now deputy manager of Man Coffee.

Both Zhuang Hongzhang and Wang Yuwen suspect that the coffee beans used to make three-in-one and two-in-one coffee may be the lowest quality beans, because in terms of price, low-cost coffee is difficult to have both quality. Wang Yuwen estimated the factory price as the retail price of 1/4. Assuming that a pack of three-in-one is 12 yuan, the factory price is 3 yuan, deducting the packaging is 1 yuan, as well as sugar, cream and profit, coffee is only about 50 cents. But it takes 7 kilos of 10 grams of coffee beans to brew a cup of 120cc ground coffee, 45 cups of coffee for 1 pound of coffee beans, and 9 yuan for 1 pound coffee beans. So it is the ratio of 9 yuan to 50 cents for coffee, in other words, the cost of ground coffee is 18 times that of three-in-one. And when it is ground and mixed with sugar and cream, the three-in-one coffee makes it more difficult to judge the quality of coffee. Would it be better if you choose to use the three-in-one quality of Arabica coffee beans? Not necessarily, Wang Yuwen explained. Variety does not represent quality assurance, because quality is also related to collection technology and quality control. Zhuang Hongzhang warned that of course you can choose Arabica, but it is impossible to confirm whether its content is 100% or 510%.

How to judge the content of coffee? According to the Food Hygiene Management Law, when there are two or more kinds of food contents, they should be marked according to their contents from high to low. Therefore, the one with the most usage ranks first and the one with the least. According to the analysis of the three-in-one and two-in-one contents of various brands, it is either "cream, sugar, coffee" or "sugar, cream, coffee". Only Seattle instant latte and mochat three-in-one coffee ingredients rank first. Two-in-one coffee is mainly composed of UCC charcoal roasted two-in-one and mocha sugar-free latte, and the rest are "cream, instant coffee". 4. Apart from cream and sugar, there are also starch and spices. Liu Qinyu points out that the biggest problem with three-in-one coffee is cream. The ingredients of most three-in-one coffee are cream, granulated sugar and instant coffee, which appear to be simple, but in fact cream contains artificial additives such as glucose syrup, hydrogenated vegetable oil, casein sodium, stabilizer, emulsifier and anti-caking agent.

In addition to the complex ingredients of cream, in fact, "three-in-one" coffee is "six in one" or even "seven in one". Because some products add pigments, spices, salt, etc., and some add starch additives such as maltodextrin and dextrin fiber to increase the consistency of coffee, Liu Qinyu said. Among them, Benazon classic Mantenin's sugar-free two-in-one coffee, but also added the sweetener ─ maltol. In the plasticizer incident, all kinds of syrup and emulsifiers are artificial additives that make people smell, and some sugar substitutes are also controversial about health hazards. If you want to eat real food, you'd better stay away from artificial additives. 5. How to make a good cup of coffee by yourself? When we really don't have time and want to make three-in-one and two-in-one coffee simply and quickly, is there a smarter and healthier way to drink it? "No! "the experts said categorically. "We don't drink it and we don't dare to drink it. after drinking ground coffee, we can't go back when we know it's good," Wang Yu-wen sighs. Zhuang Hongzhang has stopped touching three-in-one coffee since he came into contact with ground coffee. Wang Yu-wen hasn't had a three-in-one drink in nearly 20 years, and at most he takes a filter-style coffee bag with him when he goes abroad. If you want to make your own coffee, coffee experts suggest you master the following three points. 1 choose the filter-hanging ground coffee with simple ingredients. Wang Yuwen suggests that filter coffee is a convenient choice for people who don't have the time and equipment to make coffee. But it is best to buy the earbags made by the coffee shop, because compared with the big food companies, the coffee shop has a smaller market and less inventory, and the coffee powder will be relatively fresh, and you can check the powder for abnormal shape and smell fuel consumption before drinking it. (2) the smart filter cup uses the follicle principle, which saves time and does not need to practice the technique. Zhuang Hongzhang uses a smart filter cup when he has no time to make coffee slowly, similar to the traditional coffee filter cup but with a tenon at the bottom of the cup. Just put the filter paper on the cup, pour in the coffee powder, stir with hot water, wait 1 minute, put the filter cup on the mug, and start to drip with a buckle. Before and after 5 minutes, you can make coffee for 2 to 4 people. For those who are not used to black coffee, it is recommended to choose good sugar and milk and add it appropriately. Wang Yu-wen suggests that using fine rock sugar will not affect the original taste of coffee, while Chuang Hung-chang likes to use marshmallow. "with fructose, the taste can be very pure but the aroma can be suppressed; with granulated sugar, the taste of coffee can rise; and marshmallow can link coffee to milk beautifully. "as for milk, fresh milk is the first choice. If you want to be healthier, Liu Qinyu suggests adding low-fat fresh milk. She will make a cup of filter-hanging coffee every morning, about 1 cup of coffee with her husband, and then add 4 cups of low-fat fresh milk or sugar-free soy milk. If none of the above methods are suitable for you, and you still want to buy three-in-one or two-in-one instant coffee, it is recommended to check whether coffee is listed first on the food label on the package, and make sure there are no additives other than cream and sugar.

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Comparison of two raw materials: zero fat milk V.S casein

Three-in-one coffee with zero fat milk

Instant coffee, granulated sugar, cream containing zero fat milk (syrup, vegetable hydrogenated oil, zero fat milk, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, milk protein concentrate)

Three-in-one coffee with casein

Instant coffee, granulated sugar, vegetable cream (syrup, vegetable hydrogenated oil, natural casein (milk), potassium dihydrogen phosphate, emulsifier)

* three-in-one coffee with zero-fat milk is added with concentrated milk protein powder to replace milk protein (casein). In the three-in-one coffee with casein, emulsifier is added instead based on the fact that casein is not soluble in water. In other words, use other additives to replace sodium.

In short, coffee lovers, for the sake of your health, must abandon all kinds of cheap instant coffee on the market, be sure to drink it, just drink some good ones.