Coffee review

New Australian study: people who like black coffee are likely to be psychopaths?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional baristas follow the Coffee Workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style) A study by an Australian university shows that people who like black coffee tend to have mental illness and sadistic personalities. In the study of 1000 adults, the researchers said that people who like black coffee have narcissistic, hostile, mental illness and sadistic personality traits. he

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

People who like black coffee tend to have mental illness and sadistic personalities, according to a study by an Australian university. In the study of 1000 adults, the researchers said that people who like black coffee have narcissistic, hostile, mental illness and sadistic personality traits.

They found that this personality trait is associated with black coffee and other bitter tastes, which may be one of the ways to detect depression or bipolar disorder early.

They also found that people who prefer "sweeter" coffee or taste are more easygoing and willing to cooperate. The closest relationships found in the study were bitter food and sadism, the trait that "happiness is based on the pain of others" (amazing! ). The researchers did not stop there, and they later found that the situation would become more and more serious with the times.

Fortunately, the researchers also stated that bitterness was extremely subjective, and they were not sure why bitterness was associated with these bad personality traits.

Our sense of taste will be influenced by local culture and personal experience, and will change with it. It's like we didn't like green vegetables when we were kids, right? Many people even feel terrible when they drink coffee for the first time, right?

Remember, not all psychopaths like black coffee! Just like to drink black coffee may have the characteristics of mental illness, there is a big difference between the two! So next time, don't make an appointment at the coffee shop ~ just make an appointment for dinner or go to the movies.

Source: crazy food