Coffee review

How to make delicious coffee? Choosing the coffee beans you like is the first step towards delicious coffee.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional barista communication please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) how do you make delicious coffee? This is a question that stores often receive, and it is what we think about every day. In this case, I will answer, first of all, I will choose delicious beans. Coffee is the seed of the fruit of a plant called coffee. This is a good crop. We usually drink.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

How do you make delicious coffee?

This is a question that stores often receive, and it is what we think about every day.

In this case, I will answer, "first of all, I will choose delicious beans."

Coffee is the seed of the fruit of a plant called coffee. This is a good crop.

The coffee we usually drink is the one that transfers the ingredients of the seeds to hot water.

So, no matter how good you use it, no matter how you brew it, you can't make delicious coffee unless the first bean is delicious.

Even if you only practice using good pots and saucepans, you can't make delicious dishes if you don't know the necessary ingredients.

Delicious beans can be bought even in the local coffee shop and even in the online store.

First of all, use beans to remember this, compare a large number of beans, and compare them, so that you can choose your favorite beans at that time, which is the first step towards delicious coffee.