Coffee review

Simply making coffee at home-- the hand-brewing skill of hand-brewing pot

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, For the exchange of professional baristas, please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style). This time, we will introduce to you the simple coffee brewing apparatus necessary for the entry of coffee-hand brewing pot, which can be said to be the simplest but most difficult brewing skill, that is to say, using hand brewing pot can simply make a cup of coffee, but the expert also uses it.

Professional barista communication, please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

This time, I want to introduce you to a simple coffee brewing appliance that is essential for getting started with coffee-a hand brewing pot.

Hand brewed coffee can be said to be the simplest but also the most difficult brewing technique.

That means you can simply make a cup of coffee using a hand brew,

However, the masters of the talent level also use their hands to brew a cup of amazing coffee.

This is probably like a good cook can distinguish from a simple plate of fried rice to the same reason!!!

Hand-made pots can be said to be a variety in the market, the more common for the copper court pot (copper pot),

[Hand made coffee necessary equipment]

1. filter paper

2. filter bowl

3. coffee pot

4. Hand flushing kettle

[Simple Coffee Making Method]


[Note: The key technology lies in the process of hand brewing coffee.

1. Each coffee bean is suitable for different water temperatures, most of which are between 80 and 95 degrees.

2. A cup of coffee contains about 200 c. c., The amount of coffee powder is about 11 to 15 grams.

3. The first water injection is injected from the center and spiraled outward clockwise.

The amount of water must be kept small and smooth, and the route of water injection must not overlap, and the filter paper must be avoided.

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4. After waiting for the coffee powder to steam, the coffee powder will gradually puff up.

5. Then from outside to inside clockwise spiral water injection, the same does not repeat the route,

Until rushed to the center point, and then spiral outward rushed to the outermost circle after the stop, that is, complete.



※ Steps 1 to 3 are the correct brewing steps. If you don't have enough coffee at this time,

Repeat the first and third steps outward from the center point once

(It has already been steamed, so there is no need to stay steamed.)