Coffee review

Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I am the only barista in the village, and they think the coffee industry is like this.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Baristas who can't go home, today I offer you a few words of chicken soup. 1. You are the hardest person: it is normal to go to work on holidays, and it is normal for you to go to work on holidays. 2. You are the most miserable person: washing cups and utensils is a compulsory course. Wash! Wash! Wash! You are the most miserable person: pass! Year! No, no! Yes! Go back! Home! But baristas who can go home for the Spring Festival are also

A barista who can't go home.

Today I'd like to give you a few words of chicken soup.

1. You are the hardest person: it is normal to go to work on holidays, which is not related to holidays. Spring Festival (many cafes have no holidays)

2. You are the most miserable person: washing cups is a compulsory course, washing! Wash! Wash!

You are the most miserable person: pass! Year! No, no! Yes! Go back! Home!


A barista who can go home for the Spring Festival.

It's not easy.

Greetings from seven aunts and eight uncles are coming!

Is this you after going home to your relatives?

After reading it, I feel at ease!

Aunt VII: where do you work now? How much is your monthly salary?

Me: I work in a cafe now. I earn a little more than 30,000 a month.

Third Auntie: do you have a date? When will you get married? When will you have a baby?

Me: uh. Next year. Bring your girlfriend back, or the year after next. (

And a single dog.

Eighth uncle: did you buy a house? What are your plans for the future?

Me: still renting a house.

In the future, I want to be the first barista in the village (and the only barista in the village)

When I mentioned to the villagers that I was a barista,

That's what they think in their hearts.

They think the coffee industry is like this.

In fact, it's usually like this.

I thought the relationship with the client was like this.

It turns out that this is the case.

I thought Lahua was like this.

As a result,

What on earth have you learned over the years?


Wash! Cup! Aah!


I have the same dream.