Coffee review

Is the 85C matcha latte good? Or Starbucks matcha latte tastes good?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) latte and cappuccino how to drink the difference? Is there any difference between a cappuccino cup and a latte cup? The matcha latte, launched at 85C in the spring of 2017, is billed as a blend of strictly selected Japanese matcha ingredients and fresh milk, creating a mellow and full-bodied tea feeling.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

How to tell the difference between a latte and a cappuccino? Is there any difference between a cappuccino cup and a latte cup?

The 85C matcha latte, launched in the spring of 2017, boasts a combination of strictly selected Japanese matcha ingredients and fresh milk to create a mellow and full-bodied tea feeling. This combination is actually very exciting, and you really want people to taste it immediately. Is the 85C matcha latte good? Let's actually drink and see.

The 85C matcha latte uses Japanese matcha powder.

The 85C matcha latte is made of Japanese matcha powder, coupled with Taiwan's mellow fresh milk, very simple ingredients, ice cubes and sweetness can be adjusted, the original price is 55 yuan per cup, when it was launched, there was a special offer, March 8-19, 2017. Two cups are only 85 yuan.

This 85C matcha latte has a characteristic, that is, two colors, the upper layer is the green of matcha, and the lower layer is the milky white of fresh milk. we bought takeout, and it took nearly 20 minutes from buying to shooting, so the milky white milk at the bottom is a little mixed with the green of matcha, and the vision of white on the upper layer and the lower layer is very good.

85 C matcha latte to take out

Since we bought it after the preferential time, we bought it at the original price of 55 yuan, and in order to taste the taste of Japanese matcha, we specially ordered no sugar, so that we could drink the unique bitterness of matcha. I actually tasted it. I found that matcha has a good aroma, a clear taste of matcha, mixed with mellow fresh milk, so it will not be very bitter, only a little bit bitter, if there is added sugar. The bitterness should be less obvious and the overall taste is quite smooth.

85 C matcha latte open the lid and look at the ice cubes

As mentioned earlier, we bought less ice, but the amount of ice seems to be quite large. The water dissolved from the ice slightly dilutes the mellowness of matcha and fresh milk, which is a bit of a pity. On the whole, this 85C matcha latte is quite delicious. For matcha control, you can try it.

A picture tells you the difference between cappuccino and latte.