Coffee review

Without spending money in the coffee shop, the Costa clerk "splashed dirty water" to get a lot of likes?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) occupied seats unconsumed by the shop assistant splashed dirty water according to the Daily Mail website, recently, outside a Costa coffee shop in Enfield, north London, the monitor captured such a scene: a shop assistant came out of the shop with a mop bucket full of water, and then

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Unexpectedly, the shop assistant splashed dirty water on the seat without consumption.

Outside a Costa coffee shop in Enfield, north London, cameras caught a clerk coming out of the shop with a mop bucket full of water and throwing it at a group of suspected unspent young people sitting in front of the store, the Daily Mail website reported. Some people left their seats immediately when they saw the clerk, only to wet the innocent girls next to them. One of the girls had contact with liquid on her face, legs, hair and coat, and the detergent in the liquid had an adverse reaction on her skin, forcing her to seek medical advice.

At present, the real reason why the clerk splashed water is not known, but according to the video, a group of young people were sitting on their mobile phones or resting in front of the Costa, with schoolbags on the table, but no coffee or other food. The shop assistant is suspected to be "furious" because they didn't spend money to occupy the seats.

After the incident, the girl and her family came to the store to negotiate. The clerk at first denied throwing water on the child. The clerk apologized until she was asked to read the monitoring, but said that the bucket of water was not aimed at the girl, but the group of boys sitting outside. He had asked the boys to leave.

At that time, the splashed girl saw her friend sitting outside the store, so she was there to decide what drink to buy. The clerk came out twice to ask the children to go away, but without success, the third time, he took out a mop bucket.


A spokesman for Costa Coffee later said he had apologized to the girl's family, the company was investigating the incident and the clerk involved had been suspended, the Sun reported on its website.

As soon as the incident was exposed, there was a roar of online comments, with most people saying that "they occupied a limited position without spending, ignored two warnings, and there was nothing to sympathize with when they were splashed."

Of course, there are many people who do not agree with the shop assistant's approach. "after all, it is a service industry. Even if some customers go too far, they should not take radical behavior for the sake of corporate image."

Coffee shop rub seats, WIFI, toilet, almost some people have become a matter of course. Not long ago, Starbucks, the old friend of COSTA, just aroused a large number of protests because of the "racial discrimination" incident. As soon as this side was reconciled, such an incident with similar causes occurred in COSTA in the United Kingdom.

How to treat the customers who do not spend in the coffee shop?

Generally speaking, customers who enter the store who do not spend money are generally students who come to do their homework, passers-by who pass by, and leisure people who have leisure time. Should they be required to set explicit or implicit "minimum consumption"?

In coffee shops, air-conditioned music lighting needs to pay electricity bills, places need to pay rent, and the use and maintenance of some public facilities also need to consume labor costs and material costs. how to properly treat these customers who only occupy seats but do not spend? Is it the choice of "please leave without spending" or "no matter how many guests are, they do not explicitly ask them to leave"?

This involves complex issues such as the image, purpose and positioning of the store, so it is not convenient to generalize. As far as some large domestic enterprises are concerned, most of them are very tolerant of this kind of people, so we can often see behaviors such as seat rubbing at Starbucks, bed rubbing at Ikea and toilet rubbing at KFC. So, as the same "suffer" coffee shop, how to deal with this kind of person gracefully and politely?

Ahem! I'm kidding!

Here are some suggestions:

1. Do not make a clear request for the guest to leave without disturbing the normal business. Now the network is so developed that any negative pressure of public opinion is easy to be exposed and magnified. As the saying goes, it is convenient for others and for themselves, everyone may need a place to stay temporarily, and you have done so to let customers in. The next step is to find a way to make them have the desire to spend, not to drive them away.

2. Take the initiative to take the menu and ask for the order. Usually, as soon as most coffee shops sit down, a clerk will take the menu and ask what they need, but some customers may decide to wait for a variety of reasons. You should not directly state that you are not allowed to sit there without spending. Instead, you should ask again at regular intervals. Usually some thin-skinned, reasonable customers will know whether they should choose to order or leave. As for those who choose to continue, as long as his behavior does not affect the normal consumption of customers, let's continue to spend with him for the time being.

3. Try to increase the frequency of cleaning the table. On the one hand, it is to give a sense of pressure to those who occupy seats but do not spend, on the other hand, it is also to vacate other available space as soon as possible.

4. For some "unwelcome" people who maliciously occupy seats, affect other guests and affect normal business, they are well-intentioned to dissuade them. if they really do not listen to dissuasion, they can seek other ways, such as asking the security guards to drive them out, calling the police, and so on. Remember that everything should be reasonable, and it is best to deal with it where there are surveillance videos, so as to retain evidence and avoid other negative effects.

Finally, if you have a similar experience

Whether as a shop assistant or as a consumer

Or someone who has "occupied a seat" for various reasons.

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