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All of a sudden! Starbucks Shanghai Bakery suddenly let out a big smoke screen! The legendary three explosions?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Just now, the moments have been scrubbed, Starbucks factory store, smoke! The legendary "three explosions"? Netizens photographed a video of Starbucks baking workshop in Shanghai with a big smoke screen! Whoa! From the video point of view, the smog is relatively large, but also seems to be a power outage, it seems that everyone is more concerned, is the bean paste? Are the beans too deep-baked? People familiar with the matter, tell the editor what happened.

Just now, the moments were all scanned.

Starbucks factory store, smoking!

The legendary "three explosions"?

Netizens photographed a video of Starbucks baking workshop in Shanghai with a big smoke screen!

Whoa! Judging from the video, the smog is heavy, and it seems that there is a power outage.

It seems that people are more concerned about it. Is the bean paste?

Are the beans too deep-baked?

People familiar with the matter, tell the editor

What on earth happened?