Coffee review

Exports of Ecuadorian coffee and its manufactured products declined in 2019

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) exports of Ecuadorian coffee and its manufactured products continue to decline in January 2019, the lowest since 2013, Ecuador's Central Bank data show that exports of Ecuadorian coffee and its manufactured products continued to decline in January 2019.

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Ecuadorian coffee and finished products exports continued to decline in January 2019, hitting a new low since 2013

Ecuador's "Business Daily" reported on March 27 that Ecuador's exports of coffee and its finished products continued to decline in January 2019, with the largest decline in exports of Eritrean and African petroleum products, hitting a new low in nearly six years, according to data from the Central Bank of Ecuador. In January 2019, Ecuador's exports of coffee and its finished products were only US $3.5 million, down 83% from US $20.1 million in 2013, the peak export period, of which exports of finished coffee decreased by US $5.9 million compared with the same period last year, down 71% year-on-year; exports of coffee beans decreased by 8% year-on-year.

One of the reasons why Ecuador's coffee industry is facing development difficulties is the overproduction of coffee in Vietnam, Brazil and other countries, which has led to the decline of coffee prices in the international market. As of March 18 this year, coffee prices on the international market were just 93 cents per pound, the lowest price since 2006. Ecuador currently has 60000 hectares of coffee cultivation area distributed in 21 provinces, but the yield is relatively low. The Ecuadorian National Coffee Exporters Association (Anecafé) points out six major problems facing Ecuadorian coffee production: high costs of plant operation (water and electricity), restrictions on container transport, low productivity, high labor prices, lack of technical assistance and credit funds on preferential terms. In addition, Eritrea coffee exports face many competitors, such as Central American countries, Colombia and Peru and other countries.