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Nestle Coffee "Beijing feeling" CAF é Beijing debut, Beijing feeling Cafe opening

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) 2019 Nestle Coffee Beijing sense CAF offline flash store (hereinafter referred to as Nestle Coffee sense CAF) was unveiled at No. 27 Internal Affairs Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, from April 27th to May 5th. This pop-up cafe, transformed from the traditional Beijing siheyuan, is owned by the famous architect Zhuang Ziyu.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

2019 Nestle Coffee "Beijing sense" CAF Coffee offline Flash Store (hereinafter referred to as Nestle Coffee sense CAF É) was unveiled at No. 27 Internal Affairs Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing from April 27th to May 5th. This pop-up cafe, transformed from the traditional Beijing siheyuan, is designed by famous architect Zhuang Ziyu, which combines traditional and modern, Eastern and Western culture and art, and condenses a hierarchical and borderless "sense of Beijing". Nestle Coffee brand spokesman Chen Weiting's first experience as a "chief unveiling officer" felt that CAF É was the first to win, quickly becoming a trend in the city and the most anticipated place for coffee fans to sign in during the May Day Golden week.

At the same time, Mr. GE Wen also explained the theme concept of "Beijing feeling" CAF É. "for a long time, the brand concept of Nestle Coffee has been to 'establish a connection from the heart'. We believe that a cup of mellow coffee can connect different people, different ideas and different cultures. The "sense of Beijing" CAF É shows the blending of Eastern and Western cultures, the collision of time and space, and the dialogue between architecture and art. We hope that Nestle Coffee CAF É will bring you a unique cultural experience again. "

I feel CAF É in "Beijing feeling". When will you feel it?

This is the third time that Nestle Coffee has opened an offline flash cafe in China. As a world-famous coffee brand, Nestle Coffee is always committed to providing consumers with a more inspired lifestyle with more innovative and personalized experiences. Whether it's the "five senses" Cafe in Sanlitun, Beijing in 2017, or the "Natural sense" Bamboo Cafe in Huangshan, Anhui Province in 2018, Nestle Coffee CAF É uses "sense" as a link to help consumers perceive themselves and the world, and establish a real emotional connection with loving things.

Chairman and CEO of Nestl é Greater China, GE Wen, Senior Vice President of Nestl é Greater China Coffee, and Zhu Xia, President of Tmall Grand Foods, jointly unveiled Nestl é Coffee CAF É. At the opening ceremony. At the scene, Mr. Rothschild said, "China is a potential market for coffee consumption. In order to cope with the rapid development of the Chinese market, brands must constantly change and innovate in order to win more consumer preferences." Nestle Coffee CAF É aims to create an immersive experience that combines culture, architecture and art to meet changing market needs and consumption trends.