Coffee review

Tongrentang Health VS Starbucks, Coffee? Tea? Great health?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, For more information on coffee beans, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style). Perhaps, before today, no one would have associated Tongrentang, a national brand representing Chinese medicine culture, with the prevailing coffee culture in the West. Perhaps, in the eyes of many people, Eastern culture is like water, nourishing everything silently, and Western culture is like fire.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Perhaps, before today, no one would have linked Tongrentang, a national brand that represents the culture of traditional Chinese medicine, with the prevailing coffee culture in the West. Perhaps, in the eyes of many people, Eastern culture is like water, nourishing all things silently, while Western culture is like fire, simple, direct and dazzling, and the estrangement and gap between the two cultures are interpreted incisively and vividly as early as 2001 in the film scrapping, which was released in 2001. it's hard to integrate organically. Coffee, a drink with strong western colors, seems destined to be out of touch with oriental culture.

However, all this was broken by a new retail IP-- created by Tongrentang Health, a creative Chinese wolfberry latte that was unveiled at the Expo. On the afternoon of May 3, perhaps no one thought that the heads of chambers of commerce from Paris, London, Vienna and Moscow invited by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade would stop at the Materia Medica impression Hall created by Zhimao Health for half an hour. They not only personally experienced the combination of Chinese and Western herbal coffee, but also asked the bottom of the coffee production process, on the spot to learn the Chinese name of Materia Medica, a posture that will not give up until it reaches the Great Wall. Perhaps as the head of the Chamber of Commerce, with their keen business sense, they have smelled the development potential of this new strange "coffee" in Chinese and Western markets in the future. "Amazing", "Interesting" and "Nice". Throughout the coffee experience, the four ambassadors repeated these simple but positive words. "it is very interesting and meaningful to keep the fragrance of the coffee and make it healthier," said the head of the chamber of commerce from four cities of Materia Medica Coffee. Before they left, they specially invited the staff to write down the pinyin of "Chinese wolfberry" as a souvenir.

Hearing this evaluation, Xiao Liang, a healthy resident barista, smiled confidently.

"I have never believed that my work is so meaningful as I am now. Although I used to know that we were doing innovation, I really felt different these days," said Xiao Liang, who comes in and works at 6:30 every morning. He described it in plain language. "not only because of the affirmation of the heads of the Chamber of Commerce, but since the opening of the Expo, many domestic tourists have specially come over to say I didn't expect that Tongrentang had coffee, healthy tea, beautiful new product packaging, and all kinds of science and technology. It's really different. As Chinese people must support you and see your innovation, we are really proud. 'you know, when I heard this, I felt the pride of being an employee of Tongrentang and the pride of being a national brand. With the support and affirmation of so many people, Tongrentang's healthy innovation will certainly go on. "

Indeed, national brands have been suppressed at the innovation level for too long. When it comes to innovation, what the media and all sectors of society hear more is the legend of Starbucks coffee and the determination of its brand TEAVANA to enter the Chinese tea market. Compared with Starbucks' big strategic layout, it seems that this small cup of herbal coffee innovation seems negligible.

However, as the saying goes, "you can see the whole leopard at a glance." you know, healthy herbal coffee is actually part of its great health strategy. In fact, Tongrentang Health began to lay out the entire health industry as early as 2018. Online to know health APP as the carrier, offline to the new retail super concept store zero store as the support, to create OMO one-stop accurate health platform. It provides four major functional services, such as testing, food-dietotherapy, nourishing-nourishing therapy, and medical-medical services. Today's Materia Medica Coffee is only a small micro unit belonging to the dietotherapy plate. In the words of tourists, the Expo Materia Medica Ecological Pavilion, which is very popular and full of "novel" experience, is only part of the "derivative" and microcosm of the new retail concept store created by Tongrentang Health.

Store Zero is divided into three floors and has set up a total of 42 healthy life experience scenes, which will be a "model" for the offline layout of physical stores in the future, dedicated to providing one-stop accurate health solutions:

The first floor mainly displays the product mix of Tongrentang Health, such as the President's product area focusing on nourishing and nourishing health, the vitality product area focusing on young and healthy brands, Gu Diet Kitchen, Tea Factory, Baking area, Coffee area, Red Wine Square, TRT product area, multi-functional area and unmanned medicine machines. Medicated diet is an important method for the prevention and treatment of diseases in traditional Chinese medicine. Tongrentang healthily combines the achievements of Chinese and foreign pharmaceutical industry to develop a series of health commodities.

The second floor mainly displays 9 specialized departments and 12 sets of health solutions to provide targeted health services for different users. It is divided into weight management, pediatric massage, sleep conditioning, pain specialist, meridian conditioning, spinal specialist, quantum fat reduction, psychological conditioning, beauty and beauty, integrated detection and 12 sub-health integrated solutions.

The third floor is the Chinese medicine dispensing desk, laboratory, decoction room, new vision pharmacy, Chinese medicine clinic, nine major physical solutions, unmanned drug vending machines, TED and other special areas. It is reported that Shuangzhongtai, which is being built by Aliyun's technical team, will provide digital capabilities for Zero stores and provide basic support for the full digital operation of Zhi you's healthy products and users.

You know, the offline health line will be composed of countless zero stores "derivative" brand stores, flagship stores, community stores, shopping malls, office stores and other entities. These physical stores from 0 to N will integrate Tongrentang's digital services, product matrix and operational capabilities to form a national health platform.

The article is from: China Financial and Economic observation Network