Coffee review

Hand-brewed coffee filter cup recommended what is the choice of hand-made coffee filter cup?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) in the Japanese magazine coffee filter cup flow rate, which is a very interesting result, usually when making coffee by hand, it seems that this point is not discussed. Then let's take a look at the one above.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

In the Japanese magazine 'coffee cup', it is mentioned about the flow rate of several commonly seen hand-brewed coffee filter cups, which is a very interesting result, which usually does not seem to be discussed when making coffee by hand. Let's take a look at the picture above, from left to right, cooking time from fast to slow, in order:

HARIO V60 → KONO → doughnut filter cup → KALITA → MELITA

The speed of the extraction time mentioned in the magazine is just a comparison, and there is no exact data, which makes my heart itch, so I have to use a very stupid method to measure several coffee filter cups I have on hand. Although not very rigorous, but more or less reference value, hoping to throw a brick to attract jade, together to explore the secret of hand-brewed coffee.

First, use the amount of water from 400CC and pour it directly into a filter cup without filter paper to see how long it takes to finish. This method is a little stupid for tapered filter cups, so only a few ladder filter cups are made.

[filter-free group flow rate test second / 400CC]

KALITA 101ceramic filter cup for 12 seconds

SANYO Sanyo ceramic filter cup for 18 seconds

BONMAC single hole ceramic filter cup for 28 seconds

KALITA 102ceramic filter cup for 28 seconds

KALITA 185 ceramic filter cup 34 seconds

Stainless steel filter cup for Tosa and paper for 46 seconds

KINTO metal mesh filter cup for 57 seconds

Next, put in the fan-shaped filter paper, also pour in the amount of water from 400CC, and test the time of flow without coffee powder.

[filter paper group flow rate test second / 400CC]

Name time

SANYO Sanyo ceramic filter cup for 45 seconds

SANYO Sanyo ceramic filter cup new version 35 seconds

BONMAC single hole ceramic filter cup for 50 seconds

KALITA 101ceramic filter cup 1 minute 52 seconds

KALITA Bozo saw the burned ceramic filter cup for 35 seconds

KALITA 102ceramic filter cup for 52 seconds

KALITA 155stainless steel filter cup 1 minute 05 seconds

KALITA 185 ceramic filter cup not tested

Stainless steel filter cup for Toussa and paper has not been tested.

KINTO metal mesh filter cup not tested

Hario V60 glass filter cup conical for 25 seconds

Hario V60 ceramic filter cup conical 46 seconds

New version of Hario V60 ceramic filter cup for 30 seconds

UN CAFE ceramic filter cup conical for 60 seconds

Melita siphon filter cup 3 minutes 40 seconds

After the experimental results, when there was no filter paper, the KALITA 101ceramic filter cup with the fastest flow rate became the slowest. What is the reason for this? The original problem lies in the fit between the filter paper and the coffee filter cup. when we use the fan-shaped filter paper, we have to fold the side in half, so the thickness of the paper at the bottom will be doubled, and this part will fit at the bottom of the inside of the filter cup. If you happen to have a KALITA 101filter cup on hand, you will find that most of its three outlet holes are covered by filter paper.

Then why don't BONMAC and SANYO ceramic filter cups have this situation? Because it has a rib-like groove next to the outlet, it will create a gap between the filter paper and the bottom of the filter cup, so the flow speed will not be affected. Friends who do not have these two filter cups can refer to Hongze Coffee's previously published article: 'Taguchi Guard. The unrevealed secret of making coffee at the Baja Cafe.'

So after knowing the difference between these filter cups, you have to adjust the coffee grinding thickness or the amount of powder used when using KALITA 101and 102ceramic filter cups. It is recommended that the slowest filter cup should use less powder to extract less coffee liquid, and vice versa.

In addition, although the tapered filter cup is not in this test, we can imagine that the reason that affects its flow rate is definitely related to the degree of fit between the filter paper and the filter cup, so all brands work on the inner guide groove.