Coffee review

A rare coffee variety introduction-King Bourbon Coffee | King Bourbon Coffee Flavor

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) mentioned bourbon coffee, we think of basically red bourbon, yellow bourbon and the popular pink bourbon in recent years, yesterday Qianjie Coffee introduced you to the natural decaf pointed bourbon!

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

When it comes to bourbon coffee, we think of basically red bourbon, yellow bourbon and pink bourbon, which has been popular in recent years. Yesterday, Front Street Coffee introduced you to natural decaf coffee-sharp bourbon! Today, Front Street Coffee shares with you a bourbon coffee that is also rarely heard of-King Bourbon! bourbon coffee

There are three main types of coffee beans in the world: arabica, robusta and liberica. Bourbon coffee is Arabica.

The name Bourbon comes from Bourbon Island, also known as Reunion Island. The French tried three times to import coffee from Yemen to Bourbon; but it was the coffee that survived and multiplied two times later.

In 1841, a French missionary founded a church on the French island of Bourbon. After leaving Bourbon Island, he went to Zanzibar, Bagmoyo, St. Augustine, Bula and other African countries to establish new churches, and planted coffee from Bourbon Island in each church. From then on, there was also "Bourbon Coffee" on the African continent.

Bourbon coffee is actually a coffee variety produced by the mutation of iron pickup, belonging to a branch of Arabica, and together with iron pickup belongs to the ancient variety of existing Arabica coffee.

Bourbon coffee will be named according to the color of the coffee fruit when it ripens, such as red, yellow, orange, pink bourbon, etc. Orange bourbon is produced less, while pink bourbon is produced very little. King Bourbon

King Bourbon is a rare breed, and not many people have heard of it!

King Bourbon, also known as Bourbon Rey, is a Bourbon mutant found in Diviza Manor, Costa Rica, and so far only in Diviza Manor.

King Bourbon coffee trees are tall, broad-branched, with large leaves and bronze-tipped young leaves.

Unlike our usual bourbon beans, which are smaller in size, King Bourbon beans are larger and look and feel like pacamara.

Front Street Coffee brews a pot of Anaerobic Honey-Treated King Bourbon Coffee with the following parameters and flavor description:

Parameters: powder 15g, filter cup Hario V60, water temperature 89℃, medium fine grinding, powder water ratio close to 1:15.

Brewing method:

Front Street Coffee will choose to use a staged extraction brewing method for extraction.

Steaming with 29g of water, see the powder bed surface from wet to dry can end steaming, steaming time is 30 seconds; small water flow center water injection to 120g for segmentation, see the liquid level is about to expose the powder bed continue to water injection to 230g stop, liquid level is about to expose the powder bed when the filter cup is removed,(steaming start timing) extraction time is 1 '40 ".

Flavor: Dry aroma is rich fermentation aroma and berry aroma, the entrance has passion fruit, lime, citrus acid notes, light fermentation aroma, the middle is nutty and preserved fruit sweet, sugar back sweet lasting, taste is relatively thick.