Coffee review

Special report on Maraka Dula Coffee at Leandria Manor in Nicaragua

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style Leandura Manor in Nicaragua Maraka Dula Sun treatment Grade: SHG area: Monzonte,NuevaSegovia Novo Segovia Manor: Finc

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style

Sun treatment of Maracadura, Manor Leandria, Nicaragua

Grade: SHG

Region: Monzonte,Nueva Segovia Nova Segovia

Manor: Finca La Andra Leandria Manor

Variety: Maracaturra Malakadura

Treatment method: sun treatment

Soil: Sandy soil

Flavor: citrus, brown sugar, banana, flower fragrance

Nicaraguan coffee seems to have been forgotten in the world over the years, and Nicaraguan coffee is rarely seen. In fact, the growing conditions in Nicaragua are not inferior to those in Central American countries, and the coffee produced is characterized by a balanced taste.

Nicaraguan coffee producing area

Nicaragua is located in the central part of Central America, bounded by Honduras in the north, Costa Rica in the south, the Caribbean Sea in the east and the Pacific Ocean in the west, with a total area of 130400 square kilometers, making it the largest country in Central America. The central north of Nicaragua is a highland; the east is a coastal plain with many jungle swamps and low-lying terrain; the west is a coastal lowland with many volcanoes and lakes in the east.

Nicaragua is mainly divided into four major coffee producing areas-Novo Segovia (Nueva Segovias), Madagascar / Henodeka (Matagalpa / Jinotega), Borgo (Boaco) and Pacific Coast (Pacific).

The planting height of Nueva Segovia in Novo Segovia is the highest, which is about 1450-2100 meters, and the coffee produced is the highest S.H.B. (Strictly Hard Beans).

Nueva Segovia is located in the northern part of Nicaragua, bordering Honduras, Madriz and Jinotega.

Nueva Segovia Coffee stands out among tens of thousands of competitors in the International Cup Test Competition (Cup of Excellence) and is known as the top coffee producing region in Central America and Nicaragua; the average altitude of the new Segovia region is more than 1450 meters above sea level, wet and cold all the year round, with a wide temperature difference in the morning and evening and misty, emitting the unique aroma of high-altitude coffee.

In Nicaragua's planting conditions, in the fertile volcanic soil, the local climate is alpine terrain surrounded by thick fog throughout the year and covers the whole mountain forest, resulting in a low-temperature and humid climate environment. Years of mating evolution of tree species and adhere to the ancient and time-consuming process, retain natural fruit acid and strong aroma, the use of shade planting sunshine is uniform, the slow growth of coffee fruit also indirectly absorb the moisture caused by thick fog Therefore, the flavor of coffee beans is lively and changeable, and the coffee is grown in such a good environment, so the coffee is slightly sour and warm, and can be tasted carefully to feel that the aroma of fruit and chocolate can be vaguely released between the throat. rich mellow and multi-level sweet.

Coffee variety

Malakadura Maracaturra

Maraka Dula (Maracaturra) is a cross between Kaddura, who is famous for its productivity and balanced flavor, and "elephant bean" (Marago Rippi), which is famous for its high-quality coffee. It has both the fullness of the former and the sweet flavor of the latter. This variety is common in coffee producing areas of Nicaragua and El Salvador.

Maraka Dula coffee beans are not only eye-catching in the shape of beans, but also unforgettable in their complex taste.

However, the amount of this kind of coffee is not large, and few growers grow it, so it is rare on the market. The reason is: this variety is a fragile and delicate plant, vulnerable to leaf rust, so there is a considerable risk in the planting process, growers must invest more time and resources to control the occurrence of leaf rust. And compared with other common varieties, its productivity is also lower. This means that the Malakadura tree does not produce much coffee fruit each season, and it is also a challenge for growers economically.

The following is the baking curve and cup test information of Qianjie.

Agtron bean color value 67.5 (above), Agtron pink value 72.5 (bottom), Roast Delta value 5.

Cup test flavor: citrus, flower aroma, almond, tea feeling

Brewing and sharing

Suggested cooking method: hand flushing

1. Filter cup: hario V60

2. Degree of grinding: medium and fine grinding

3. Water temperature: 90 ℃

4. Ratio of powder to water: 1:15

5. Cooking technique: segmented extraction

Steam with 30 grams of water for 30 seconds, inject water around the center of the small flow to 124 grams, continue to inject water to 226 grams when the water level is about to expose the powder bed, and remove the filter cup when the water level is about to expose the powder bed. (steaming starts) the extraction time is two minutes.

Flavor: obvious sweetness on the palate, citrus notes in the middle, rich floral aromas, Huigan red fruit, tail bananas and brown sugar, and a little nutty cream aroma, overall balance, soft acidity, full aroma and a rich finish.