Coffee review

Baking curve | how do we determine the baking curve of Costa Rica Phoenix sapphire?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Just on the new Fenghuang Sapphire bean, I also shared about the cooking method of this bean. It is rich in flowers and berries. Today, a friend asked us about a baking curve of this bean. Then I will talk about how to determine the baking curve of this bean in front of the street. Before baking, of course, I need to know a base of this bean.

Just on the new Phoenix sapphire this bean, but also shared about the brewing method of this bean, floral, berry rich it is still loved by many people, today a friend asked us about this bean a baking curve, then I will talk about the front street to determine how to bake this bean curve ~

Before baking, of course, you must first understand a basic information about this bean, otherwise the bean should be baked again ~~

Bean information

Costa Rica Central Valley Cumbres Del Poas Zahiro

Costa Rica Fire Phoenix Estate Sapphire

Region: Central Valley

Manor: Fire Phoenix Manor

Altitude: 1600m

Breeds: Kadura, Kaduai

Grade: SHB

Treatment: Solarization

Flavor: floral, berry, tropical fruit, fermented bouquet, brown sugar

Located in the foothills of the Poas Volcano in the Central Costa Rican Valley, Phoenix Manor is an early producer of honeyed and sun-cured coffee in Central and South America. It is an organically grown coffee plantation because the owner has always attached great importance to the concept of environmental treatment (column: collecting rainwater to treat coffee) and the use of organic compost produced by earthworm farming (worm compost) to make the cultivation process completely free of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

The natural processing process of sapphire (Zahiro) is quite labor-intensive. Hand-harvested cherries with high sugar content should be placed in the African elevated shed for about 10 days, and then placed in the plastic covered greenhouse to create more direct heat. Continue to dry until the moisture content reaches 11.5%. Slowly dry the process, carefully take care of it, and constantly flip it. At last, the red cherries turn black, emitting the aroma of fruit cake, brown sugar, and even sherry wine!

baking analysis

Costa Rica beans grade SHB(very hard beans), beans density, varieties Kadura, Kaduai, these two varieties show flower fragrance and fruit acid are very good, but also the sun treatment method, high sweetness, want to fully show their personality, the front street baker decided to use a lower temperature into the beans (compared to washed beans) using moderate heat slowly reduce the fire to bake, respectively bake three into the same temperature but different bean baking curve.

Curve ①

The temperature of soybean entering: 170℃, yellowing point: 5 '55, 151.4℃, first explosion point: 9' 31 ", 184.5℃, development after first explosion 2 '25", 198.4℃.

Flavors by cup: floral, berry, brown sugar, fermented bouquet

Curve ②

The temperature of entering beans: 170℃, yellowing point: 5 '40 ", 151.6℃, first explosion point: 9' 00", 183.9℃, development after first explosion 2 '05 ", 195℃.

Flavors by cup: rose, berry, fermented, tropical fruit, honey

Curve ③

The temperature of entering beans: 170℃, yellowing point: 5 '45 ", 151.1℃, first explosion point: 9' 05", 184.5℃, development after first explosion 1 '45 ", 195℃.

Cup flavor: berry, sucrose, sucrose, tea, fruit tea.

By comparing these three curves after cup test, the flower fragrance, berry fruit and sweet feeling of this bean are obviously prominent, but curve ① in cup test, the whole is dull, the flavor is not clear enough, from the change of temperature, the taste aftertaste has astringent feeling; curve ② in cup test, the whole is very balanced, the aroma is obvious, the flavor is clear, the taste is thick, with the change of temperature, the flavor and taste are very good, the aftertaste is lasting; Curve ③ In the cup test, the whole is relatively refreshing, clean, obvious aroma, and distinct flavor levels. With the change of temperature, there is a tonality of fruit tea, which is not bad. Finally, we decided to use curve ② and curve ③ to flush a pot each, and see which curve is more characteristic under manual flushing extraction.

Hand punch (keep the technique consistent as much as possible)

Filter cup: Hario V60, water temperature: 90℃, powder-water ratio: 1:15; grinding degree: medium fine grinding (BG6T: 58% pass rate of Chinese standard No.20 sieve)

Brewing method: staged extraction. Steaming with 30g water for 30s, injecting water in a circle to 128g with small water flow, stopping injecting water to 225g when the water level drops and exposing the powder bed, removing the filter cup when the water level drops and exposing the powder bed, and extracting for 1.55 ".

Curve ②: The whole is relatively balanced, sweet feeling is obvious, there are rich flowers, berries, fermented wine fragrance at the entrance, honey and cocoa at the end.

Curve ③: The overall sweet feeling is obvious, there are fermented wine fragrance, flower fragrance, berry fruit at the entrance, cocoa at the end, but the taste has obvious green taste.

Through cup test and brewing, curve ② shows better quality, so we use curve ②.