Coffee review

The Origin of Furebai flat white explains in detail how to distinguish between Australia and White, lattes and Cabo.

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, The origin of flat white is controversial. Both Australia and New Zealand claim to have coined the word. Although I have written a summary of the various definitions of flat white, to really understand the origin of the word, you need to go back to the 1980s. In my opinion, flat white originates from the modesty of coffee cups. I think flat white is the coffee shop that wants to make New West.

The origin of flat white is controversial. Both Australia and New Zealand claim to have coined the word. Although I have written a summary of the various definitions of flat white, to really understand the origin of the word, you need to go back to the 1980s.

In my opinion, flat white originates from the modesty of coffee cups. I think flat white is an attempt by cafes to make New Zealand household coffee. Want to know why? First of all, we need to understand how New Zealanders made coffee at home before cafes became popular. Black coffee and white coffee at home, New Zealand household coffee is usually divided into two kinds: black coffee without milk and white coffee with milk. So the host often asks the guest, "do you prefer black coffee or white coffee?" When making plunger coffee at home, many families in New Zealand use pressure pots to make coffee, which is called plunger coffee: a large cup of black coffee or warm coffee with milk. In New Zealand, a cup of espresso is called a short black, and the names of other coffee are based on this. For example, espresso with hot water is called along black, which comes from the collision of cultures. Italian cafes in Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland are mostly run by European immigrants. With the emergence of these cafes, home-made plunger coffee mingled with them, and I think flat white emerged in this cultural blend.

Flat white is the product of the blend of Italian coffee culture and the arbitrariness of Antipodian. Italian bosses are used to adopting coffee menus named in Italian. The most basic coffee is espresso and cappuccino. When customers order black coffee and white coffee, they are confused. Those who order black coffee will ask for coffee with some hot water, while those who order milk coffee will get a cup of cappuccino. The kind of coffee that the average customer needs may be too difficult to speak in Italian. For example, cortardo, dopio or machiatto may all be good drinks, but their names are a little difficult to pronounce and there are no simple English terms to match them. It can be said that white coffee is the product of competition between cappuccino and latte.

Why not have a cappuccino?

New Zealand's cappuccino has too many milk bubbles, almost no liquid milk, and is considered a children's drink because it is usually sprinkled with chocolate chips. Australian and New Zealand milk comes from free-grazing organic cows, which are unique to both countries. Milk from New Zealand can form large and hard bubbles. New Zealand cappuccino is very much like marshmallows. Ordering a white coffee and being served with a cappuccino sprinkled with chocolate chips is not very good for Australians.

Why not order a latte?

New Zealand's latte, made of cold or hot milk with little foam, is considered a weak drink for intellectuals, political liberals and mothers. New Zealand's latte has changed a lot, from a large cup of cold milk into a cup of espresso to a small cup of machiatto, and then to a large bowl of coffee. Its changes have surprised customers.

With the evolution of flat white, the average New Zealander didn't get a cup of pure white coffee from the cafe at first. So, the evolution of flat white is likely to go like this: customer: have a white coffee, Cafe: give the guest a cappuccino, customer: that's too much milk, can I have a cup of plain milk coffee? Coffee shop: give the guest a cup of latte customer: the coffee taste is very weak and there is too much milk. Can I have a cup of coffee with more foam than latte but less than cappuccino? Coffee shop: give guests a cup of coffee with milk foam and milk. Customer: great! I want to call this "flat white". The origin of "flat white" is still unclear. The term may come from dozens or even hundreds of small interactions in such cafes, and cafe owners have come to understand what kind of coffee customers really want. Flat white is now popular in London, New York and Berlin. At first, it was just an attempt to remake a cup of plunger coffee with a little milk.

To make the perfect flat white, first try to make a cup of coffee that plunger coffee,flat white refers to has less capacity and more milk than the whitecoffee made at home. Flat white has undergone many changes from its inception to the present and is now one of the largest cultural exports of Australia and New Zealand.