Coffee review

Coffee is more suitable for brown sugar than white sugar. How to choose a coffee partner?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Each person's sensitivity to sugar varies somewhat. When the barista hands over a cup of moderately extracted American coffee to the customer and guides the customer to feel a certain degree of sweetness in the coffee, or presents the customer with a latte with the sweetness of milk, the customer still cannot feel the sweetness in the coffee and still expresses his desire for a bag of sugar.

Everyone's sensitivity to sugar varies somewhat, and when the barista hands over a moderately extracted American coffee to the customer and guides the customer to feel a certain degree of sweetness in the coffee, or presents the customer with a latte with the sweetness of creamy milk, the customer still cannot feel the sweetness in the coffee and still expresses his desire for a bag of sugar.

When coffee beans are planted, there will be natural sugar. According to, coffee beans contain seven sugars. However, not all sugars are soluble, which means that not all the polysaccharides in coffee beans melt in the cup.

The concentration of natural sugar in coffee is not as high as that of pure sugar. if you want to really feel the sweetness of coffee, you should start from two aspects: one is to "choose coffee with sweeter performance". The other is to "practice feeling sweetness more acutely".

The brain is addicted to sweetness, and the more sugar it has to eat, the more it secretes dopamine. When we don't feel sweet enough to stimulate us in coffee, the body sends a signal to the brain that we want to eat more sugar to meet our need for sweetness. If you have to add sugar to your coffee, which kind of sugar is more appropriate?

The kinds of sugars we eat are basically taken from sugar cane, but the different degree of processing gives us more sugar choices. The crude sugar obtained at the initial stage of boiling and solidification of sugarcane juice is black sugar, brown sugar can be obtained by refining crystal black sugar, and white sugar can be obtained by completely refining brown sugar. In fact, black sugar is dark brown sugar, while yellow sugar is light brown sugar. The raw material of maple syrup is not sugarcane. It is a syrup made from the xylem sap of the maple tree. The sugar in the sap is converted from the starch stored in the maple tree during the winter. Caramel is the product of coking reaction produced by constantly heating dehydrated sugar, and the raw material is not limited to white sugar.

When mixed with coffee, brown sugar is not thoroughly purified, high sweetness, high mellowness, more natural ingredients, less additives, extra caramel aroma and the original taste of sugar cane. However, the integration of white sugar and coffee will sometimes be not ideal, some beans will change from bitter to sour after meeting white sugar, or sweet and bitter coexist, with a strong and prominent taste.

In addition, the addition of sugar to iced American coffee can trigger the sweetness of the drink. Don't just add fructose when making hot coffee. Some fructose syrup made with white sugar can also cause coffee to turn sour.