Coffee review

Guangzhou Yuexiu District characteristic Cafe recommends Japanese Cafe Decoration style Picture

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Many people go to Starbucks not because of how delicious Starbucks coffee is, but because of the design of Starbucks stores, so netizens always say that "Starbucks is the designer delayed by selling coffee". Today, I would like to share with you a store that has also been delayed in selling coffee, but it is not a designer, it is a ceramic house. Heshe Cafe Redeco Cafe can be seen from a distance

Many people go to Starbucks not because of how delicious Starbucks coffee is, but because of the design of Starbucks stores, so netizens always say that "Starbucks is the designer delayed by selling coffee". Today, I would like to share with you a store that has also been delayed in selling coffee, but it is not a designer, it is a ceramic house.

Heshe Cafe Redeco Cafe--

From a distance, you can see the store printed with a very special font-"coffee" (Japanese for "coffee")

For people who like Japanese style, they are excited just to see the shape of the store.

Then I entered the door and looked at the whole store, and I was attracted by the Japanese ceramic utensils full of them at a glance.

The whole showcase is full of coffee cups. Good-looking)

Most of the cups in the shop are porcelain brought back by the boss from Japan. Different styles of porcelain come from different periods. The cup controller must clock in. The boss said: you can buy the cups in the store and leave them in their store, and you can use your own cups when you come to drink coffee in the future.

(after looking at the cup, come to the bar. Haha)

The long and wide bar is very comfortable to sit. It is said that it has been renovated for more than a month, and the place where the barista makes coffee is under the bar.

The whole store is not very large, but very warm, very old-fashioned Japanese coffee shop style (it is also called the only Japanese Showa tea house style coffee shop in downtown Guangzhou).

Heshe Cafe Redeco Cafe, located in Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, took root in Guangzhou in 2015. It is said that the name of the cafe comes from a collection of coffee music ceramics, and "she" is taken from a humble abode.

The coffee beans in the store are all self-baked, focusing on the more popular Japanese deep-baked beans in Japan, serving coffee, tea and cake desserts.

Caramel latte

Wipe tea pound cake

Besides, there is!


I heard you right! There is real wine)

Plum wine soda

Plum wine soda is made by the store itself. Originally, this pot of wine was drunk by the store itself, but later, because some guests also liked to drink it, it was simply shared, so it appeared on the menu.

Heshe menu


If you want to find a quiet cafe to stay all afternoon (closed in the morning), this will be a good choice, in addition, cup control, strong Amway!

Business hours: 13,00,19,30

Address: 17 Donghu west road, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou 02