Coffee review

The owner of the coffee shop in Chengdu does not go the usual way, selling only one type of coffee!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, With the increasing diversity of consumer demand, both new tea shops and coffee shops are constantly pushing through the old and bringing forth the new. For example, Xi Tea will be on a new product in an average of 1.2 weeks, and Nai Xue's tea will have more than 30 new tea drinks in 2020, of which limited and holiday models will be launched at any time. Starbucks is also updating its products very quickly, launching a series of coffee and ice cream all year round.

With the increasing diversity of consumer demand, both new tea shops and coffee shops are constantly pushing through the old and bringing forth the new. For example, Xi Tea will be on a new product in an average of 1.2 weeks, and Nai Xue's tea will have more than 30 new tea drinks in 2020, of which limited and holiday models will be launched at any time. Starbucks is also updating its products very quickly, launching a series of coffee + ice cream products throughout the year, and will continue to launch new products in line with the pace of the festival.

Of course, not all tea and beverage industries adopt this diversified model. There is a tea shop in Baoshan, Yunnan Province, called Kirin Big Kouch Tea, whose model of launching only one product is also known as the extreme single product model. What is the ultimate single product model? Is to focus on only one product, and then make this product taste, service, user experience and so on to the extreme. For example, this "Kirin tea" in Baoshan, Yunnan Province, has only one product, "big tea", which belongs to lemon green tea. it sells for 15 yuan per cup and provides only sugar and ice, but there is no other choice. According to Carmen, the store, which includes only seven owners, has sold 500000 cups in the past year, with an annual turnover of 7.5 million.

The owner of the tea shop said, "when most people in the industry are doing addition and multiplication, we decided to go against the trend, do subtraction and division, and make only one product." One advantage of this extreme single product model is that only one product is sold in the store, and each employee is exposed to only one drink, so it is very easy to form muscle memory, so the tea produced will be more standardized. This new extreme single-product model has been successful in tea, can it also win in the coffee industry if it is used in the coffee industry?

Coincidentally, there is a coffee shop called Sewing Machine Coffee in Chenghua District of Chengdu, whose English name is The Sewing Machine Coffee. There is only one Australian white coffee produced in this shop. There are three kinds of beans to choose from. The beans are all baked by the shopkeeper himself. Customers can choose their favorite coffee beans, 18 yuan for a cup and 5 yuan less for a meal. The model of this coffee shop is very similar to that of Kylin Tea in Baoshan, Yunnan Province, and customers have few choices. They can only choose between three kinds of coffee beans and hot and cold coffee.

This is a very personalized coffee shop, with an area of no more than 7 square meters, no bar, no seats, only an iron frame and wooden table, and the red brick wall is the only design. It can only hold a coffee maker, a bean grinder and a cool boss. Although the scale of this "sewing machine coffee" shop is small, it has almost no bad reviews, and its high performance-to-price ratio and taste have gained a large number of consumers. Even during the holidays, there is a queue, which can produce about 100 cups a day, and this coffee shop is called a "shop with soul" by many customers.

This coffee shop adopts this extreme single product model, which is very recognizable and unique, thus attracting a group of consumers. Judging from Dianping, this Chengdu "sewing machine coffee" has received rave reviews. It seems that a single product can attract more customers. On the one hand, because there are fewer products sold in the store, the taste of the coffee produced will be relatively stable, and the pressure on the supply chain and costs will be relatively reduced.

Any model is a double-edged sword, today's consumers belong to "extremely low loyalty" consumers, it is difficult to ensure that they drink only one drink for a long time. We can often see the emergence of new coffee shops on the Internet, and the endless emergence of online celebrity coffee shops have attracted a large number of consumers to sign in. When the heat passed, the cafe calmed down again. And how to attract customers in this form, so that customers "not bored", this is also a coffee shop need to consider.

* Image source: Internet