Coffee review

Hangzhou Internet Cafe Cafe launched "Big Brand afternoon Tea"! What are the clocking in places for online celebrities in Hangzhou?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, The world is so big that it is full of wonders. Recently, some online celebrity cafes in Hangzhou have launched big-brand afternoon tea activities, one after another in their own cakes and coffee, printing LV, Dior, CHANEL and other big-name logo, attracting many young people to sign in. It turns out that the distance between you and luxury accessories is only one cup.

The world is so big that it is full of wonders. Recently, some online celebrity cafes in Hangzhou have launched "big-brand afternoon tea" activities, one after another in their own cakes and coffee, printing LV, Dior, CHANEL and other big-name logo, attracting many young people to sign in. It turns out that the distance between you and luxury accessories is only one cup of coffee.

Rea.vintage Cafe, located on Zhongshan North Road, was the first to scrape up "big afternoon tea" in Hangzhou. This coffee shop is not simple. While producing coffee and cakes, it is also a medieval luxury goods buyer's shop.

According to Hangzhou foodie, the coffee shop did not blatantly use the big-name effect to attract consumers, and there was no promotion of "big-name afternoon tea" on the ordinary menu. I only learned about the meal when I asked the staff when I ordered it.

The "big brand afternoon tea" package has a total of 99 yuan, including two drinks plus a cake, and the coffee and cake will be printed with a big brand logo. According to the staff, the luxury logo drawing tools on the coffee are purchased online, and more logo patterns will be developed in the future.

Some netizens said, are you sure you are not paying IQ tax? Will the coffee taste better if you add a LV and Chanel logo?

The "big-brand afternoon tea" of this Rea.vintage coffee shop is not the most public. it is also a coffee shop in Hangzhou. It is very high-profile in the CHOPCHOP coffee shop on the fourth floor of the National University City Plaza, posting the "luxury afternoon tea" menu directly near the bar and synchronizing the set meal to Dianping's website. It seems that this CHOPCHOP coffee shop is taking the real "big-name afternoon tea" route.

Let's take a look at what the legendary "rich woman afternoon tea" is like.

The online celebrity afternoon tea package with a big brand logo, whose price ranges from 118yuan to 318yuan, is divided into three prices and a total of four combinations. The cake and coffee in the package have Chanel, LV and other big-name trademarks. The cheapest American coffee on the restaurant menu is 58 yuan per cup, while the same coffee takeout is 28 yuan.

Only if you order a series of drinks or food, you can enter the infield landscape area to enjoy afternoon tea and take photos. The infield of the bar and coffee shop is stopped by a mechanical gate and can only be entered by swiping a card.

The head of the CHOPCHOP coffee shop said that the desserts in the shop were not custom-made, but customized from a dessert studio, and the coffee flowers were made using online shopping moulds.

However, it seems that many customers don't care how the coffee is made. The CHOPCHOP Cafe is doing brisk business and receiving rave reviews. So far, CHOPCHOP Cafe is the third most popular coffee shop in the downtown area.

In this regard, some netizens said that there is no interest, there is logo does not represent a really big name.

Among them, some netizens' comments led to pondering, will it not constitute infringement to print a big-name logo on their own products without consent?

According to this incident, Qianjiang Evening News reporter interviewed lawyer Sun Yifan, and lawyer Sun said:

According to Article 48 of the Trademark Law, "the use of a trademark refers to the use of goods in goods, commodity packaging or containers and commodity trading documents, or in advertising, exhibitions and other commercial activities." the act of identifying the source of a commodity.

Although the production of big-brand logo in goods is not easy to constitute trademark infringement, it does not mean that the act has legal status. If the relevant trademark logo meets the constitutive elements of the work in the sense of copyright law, and is still within the scope of the term of protection, the merchant may still bear the tort liability for infringing upon the copyright holder's right of reproduction or distribution and other corresponding rights.

Even in order to attract customers, we can not rely on the big-name logo to increase the price, we should pay more attention to the improvement of the taste of the product, rather than going the other way. Are you willing to pay for the "big-name afternoon tea" launched by the coffee shop?

* Image source: Internet