Coffee review

Lucky Caf is grabbing business in the coffee market? What is the coffee of Lucky Coffee?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, The "lucky coffee" who once said that he would build another Wandian Honey Snow Ice City is seizing the coffee market.

The "Lucky Caf", which once said it would build another Wandian snow ice city, is seizing the coffee market.

On May 1 this year, it was reported that the number of Lucky Cafe stores under the Michelle Ice City brand had exceeded 200, which suddenly became a hot topic of discussion.

In fact, as early as 2017, Honey Snow Ice City took a fancy to the category of "coffee" and launched Lucky Caf, a national beverage chain based on freshly ground coffee. However, in the following years, Lucky Caf only opened more than 20 stores and did not make any obvious achievements.

Until 2019, Zhang Hongfu, general manager of Mixue Ice City, personally led the team into the coffee field, upgraded the brand and opened to join in April 2020. At that time, Zhang Hongfu posted that "I want to replicate today's snow and ice city five years later," and "Lucky Caf" gradually appeared in everyone's eyes.

Now, a year later, the number of "Lucky Cafe" stores has exceeded 200. It is worth noting that the good results of 200 stores are achieved without the help of capital. Can the coffee version of "Honey Snow Ice City" be realized in the future?

According to public information, "Lucky Caf" is a brand of Honey Snow Ice City, specializing in freshly ground coffee.

In terms of products, lucky coffee is mainly freshly ground coffee, while "coffee + sugar", "coffee + ice cream" and "coffee + fruit" are also common collocations of "lucky coffee".

It is understood that the current "Lucky Caf" product line has five major categories of 27 products, in addition to coffee drinks and hanging ear coffee bags, but also sells milk, tea drinks and ice cream with a unit price of 2 yuan.

In early May this year, sources said that Lucky Cafe had a product structure of "2 yuan of snowball ice cream drainage + 6 yuan out of a cup of fast fruit coffee and milk coffee + freshly ground coffee series showing professionalism + non-caffeine series to fill the gap in the market". In order to quickly open stores in the sinking market.

How does Lucky Caf grab the business in the coffee market?


Copy the playing style of Honey Snow Ice City and sink the market quickly.

In terms of the positioning of consumers, the positioning of "Lucky Caf" is consistent with that of Honey Snow Ice City, which is dominated by student parties. In the early days, Honey Snow Ice City focused on ice cream, milk tea, fruit tea and other products, and the product prices were mostly less than 10 yuan. mainly young consumer groups represented by college students.

In the location selection, the "lucky coffee" is mostly concentrated in the middle and low-line cities, mainly with dense stores near the university town to strengthen consumers' recognition of the brand and specialize in the sinking market, while Honey Snow Ice City is a beverage store that mainly hits the sinking market. the location of the store is mainly opened around the university, pedestrian street, shopping mall and so on, at the same time to join the mode to rapidly expand the market Its biggest feature is to take the route of being close to the people in terms of products, prices, channels and promotion.


Low price strategy

Coffee in the eyes of many people is a high-end drink, "Lucky Caf" is in the opposite direction, using low-price strategy to quickly gain the coffee market.

The biggest bright spot of "Lucky Caf" is that its price is very close to the people, entering the coffee market at a low price, and its coffee price is between 3-8 yuan. "Lucky Caf" this strategy is aimed at entry-level coffee lovers.

"Lucky Cafe" Zhang Hongfu once said that he wanted to make cheap coffee in a county or even a small town, and replicate a coffee version of "Honey Snow Ice City" within five years.


Although the coffee consumption market is accelerating and is expected to reach 1 trillion yuan by 2025, there are many strong players on the coffee track, such as three and a half, Yongpu, Sumida, Manner Coffee, Sawsee and other coffee brands are also seeking better development, which means that the competition in the coffee track is still very fierce, and it is too early to judge whether the coffee version of "Honey Snow Ice City" can be realized within five years.

After all, whether the "lucky coffee" who is opening a shop rapidly can squeeze out its own territory in the trillions of markets is not only about low prices and fast opening, but also about providing a good cup of coffee for consumers.

* Image source: Internet