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Darjeeling Black Tea Top Estate| Margaret's Hope Manor History Story and Black Tea Flavor Features

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Those who have a preliminary understanding of Darjeeling black tea are estimated to have heard a little about some of the top black tea estates in Darjeeling in India. Among them, Margaret Hope Tea Estate is famous among many Darjeeling tea lovers. Margaret's Hope Tea Estate, called Margaret's Hope Estate, has a paragraph behind the name.

Friends who have a preliminary understanding of Darjeeling black tea may have heard of some of the top black tea estates in Darjeeling in India.

Among them, there is a black tea estate, Margaret's Hope Tea Estate, which is very famous among many Darjeeling black tea friends.

Margaret's Hope Tea Estate, called "Marguerite Hope Manor", has a sad story behind the name.

Marguerite Hope Manor is located in the Kurseong North Valley north of Koson, the white Orchid of Darjeeling, very close to Longjiff Heights, between 350ft and 6000 ft above sea level, two clear rivers flow through the plantation, and the mineral-rich water gives the tea more richness. The estate covers an area of about 361 hectares.

Because of the high altitude and low temperature, Marguerite hopes that the tea-picking season will come later than Darjeeling's relatively low-altitude manor.

Before 1930, Marguerite hoped that the estate, called Bara-Rington, was owned by Mr. Mr. Rington from England.

Mr. Rimington has two daughters, and his younger daughter is fascinated by the scenery of the manor. Mr. Rimington's youngest daughter fell ill on a trip back to England, and eventually the patient died on board in the hope that she could one day see the manor again. In memory of his youngest daughter, Mr. Rimington changed the name of the estate Bara-Rington to Margare's Hope.

Although the tea house was founded in the 1830s, it was not commercialized until 1864. The present tea factory was built by John Tylor in 1930. Marguerite wants the estate to be owned by Goodricke Group now.

Margaret Hope's tea trees grow mainly at 2800 to 5500 feet above sea level and are famous for picking tea in spring, summer and autumn.

Margaret wants the estate to be considered the birthplace of the organized labor movement in the tea industry in West Bengal.

In 1955, a strike was under way by the Communist Party of India and the Gurkha Union. On June 25, hundreds of workers gathered at Margaret's Hope Tea Garden to protest against low wages and the refusal of tea garden managers to provide facilities. Six protesters, including two women, were killed in police shooting. Anger spread, and the next day, 20,000 workers and ordinary people surrounded the district headquarters. By June 27, the management had met all the workers' demands. To cite just one example, workers who work in a tea garden for the first time will receive a bonus. Although there is a provision for the payment of bonuses in the bonus Act, no tea garden has implemented this provision before. The salary has also been raised.

The black tea from this manor has strong floral and ripe mango flavors, with a special flavor of spices. Marguerite wants the manor's Moonlight Tea to be the most exotic Darjeeling Tea.